
找到了dog pound 插曲,这首歌是这部翻拍电影最大的亮点。我心都听碎了,我的小说要的就是这种感觉。建议各位看看片尾来听这首歌。歌词非常好,曲调民谣的感觉,那种青春的迷惘,简直盖过鲍勃迪伦了。
前年秋天看的这部电影,挺神伤的。剧情有些地方不合理,拍少年监狱的暴力片不少,Dog Pound也确实暴力,但整个故事令人怅惘。故事好才是真的好。我会给七分以上。

电影Dog pound(恶狗帮)的插曲歌词:
I wait along the borders of disdain

Staring in

What I would give

To be within your arms

dry and warm

Give me the scent of free

Syringa tree

It’s final call

Lonely voice upon a mountaintop

Shouting out

The secrets of a generation told

All the lies

Blind and riding on the ocean’s spine

No fault of mine

Drowning is what i’ve perfected for

All my life


Blind and riding on the ocean’s spine

No fault of mine

Drowning is I’ve perfected

盲目地在蜿蜒的海岸边骑行 Blind and riding on the ocean‘s spine 并不是我的错 No fault of mine 消失海中是我的归路 Drowning is what I’ve perfected 我的一生 For all my life ……
