CK 5, 7572…
Some of the guns are small
但你一旦被射中 后果也是不可设想的
but if it shoot you, it make a big mess.
MNU is trying to move the aliens for humanitarian reasons.
但真正的重点 就如一开始所呈现的那样
But the real focus, just as it has been
right from the beginning, is weapons.
MNU is the second largest weapons manufacturer in the world.
We assumed that we’d be able to pick up the alien laser gun
就能够射击 但事实上并非如此
and just be able to shoot, but it didn’t work like that.
因为 我们发现 他们的技术实际上
Because, as we discovered, their technology is actually
整合了生物技术 要他们的DNA才能发动这些武器
engineered in a biological manner to interact exclusively with their DNA.
人类就无法使用 道理就是这样简单
It just doesn’t work with humans. And it’s as simple as that.
这画画的是一个大虾 三个人类
This is basically a guy, and there’s 3 humans here.
Basically trying to make a warning, you know.
似乎正在说”三个人都被我♥干♥了 你们离我远点”
He’s saying “I kill 3 humans, watch out for me.”
喂 别在自己的地盘上撒尿 退后 退后
Hey, don’t urinate on your own bloody… get back, get back.
我是维库斯 请求第一营护送
This is Wikus, requesting First Battalion escort, please.
你想和他们谈 还是想和我谈
You want to talk to them or you want to talk to me?
不 不是他们
No, not them!
好的 伙计们 太谢谢了 是的 我知道 他有把铲刀
Okay, guys, thanks very much. Yeah I know, he had a spade.
看 我找到了
Look-I find some!
我告诉过你了 这是 人类的东西 毫无用处
I tell you before… this is human technology, it is useless.
Only our technology contains the fluid.
这不是我们的东西 不 这只是垃圾
This is not our technology? – No, it’s junk.
Keep looking.
I find something.
是的 这就是我们所需要的
Yes. This is what we need.
做得很棒 小家伙
Good, little one.
Get down!
小心 等会
Careful… wait…
Why must it take so long?
Because it is very difficult…
…so much can go wrong.
Twenty years of work.
我们的计划是不是已经准备好了 安静 听
Our plan is ready now? – Quiet… listen…
…they are coming.
你必须把这个藏起来 绝不能让他们找到它
You must hide this. They must not find it.
Answer the door and be polite.
不 你带上它
No! You take it.
你看 这就是问题所在了 这就是团伙的标志
You see, this is the problem. This is the gang sign.
你看到这没 所以 看起来我们找到了
You see this? So again, looks like we have
more and more gang members.
方德斯瓦 你先站在后面 你站在托马斯后面
Fundiswa, you just stay back. You stay behind Thomas.
这里到处是MNU的人 肯定会被发现的
This place is swarming with MNU. I will be searched.
我必须回到我孩子身边 别惹他们生气~礼貌点
I must get back to my son. Don’t make them angry – be polite!
MNU探员 请开门
MNU agents, open the door please.
你好 我们想要你 这里没人
Hello? We would like you to… – Nobody is here.
不能这样 那完全不可接受
Okay, that’s unexceptable. That is totally unexceptable!
滚出来 滚出来 你这只蠢虾
Get out! Get out! You stupid prawn!
出来 来 走开 走开
– Get outside! – C’mon! Move! Move!
跪着 我进去看一看
On your knees! – I’m gonna have a look.
呆在这里 这里
Just stay there! Right there!
先生 我是来给你发放驱逐通知的
Sir, we have to serve you an eviction notice.
你不知道吗 不知道
Do you understand it? – No.
这是一个典型的帮派集♥会♥的场所 我可以看出来
This is a classic kind of gangsta shack, I can tell you.
我们肯定能在这里发现武器 小心你的头 别碰到牛
We’re gonna find weapons here. Watch your head, don’t hit the cows.
检查那些控制板 啊你听到了吗
Just checking for panels. Ah, you hear that?
是的 里面是空的
Yeah, it’s hollow there.
看 看那
See? Look at that!
我还没看过这样的装置 它看起来就像一个
I haven’t see this type of setup. It’s almost like a…
chemistry type of a set.
It’s gotta be something.
我不确定 这里有一些标志
l don’t know, this has got the markings there of…
…so it is definitely alien.
但这不是武器 但我不相信它
But it’s not a weapon. But I don’t trust it.
你没事吧 维库斯 你没事吧
Are you all right? Wikus, are you all right?
关了它 请关了它
Switch it off, please. Just turn it off.
你会把这一段剪掉吧 那段它朝我喷射的
Are you gonna cut that part out, Trent, where it sprays me?
是的 别担心 记得把那段剪掉
– Yeah, don’t worry. – You cut that.
We just found a dangerous object here.
里面有液体 而且我怀疑弄到人身上会引发伤害
It has a fuel in and I suspect it might leak onto people or cause damage.
所以我们把它装在里面 并带回实验室
So we just check that in and we take that down nicely to the lab.
这不是武器 但是很危险
It’s not a weapon but it’s dangerous.
我的直觉告诉我 他在这里隐藏了一些武器
He’s got weapons somewhere here, my sense is telling me that.
我们检查另一边 托马斯 —是的 先生
Lets check the other side here. Thomas! – Yes sir?
托马斯 枪继续对着他 -好的 收到
Thomas, keep the gun on him. – OK, I got it sir!
枪继续对着他 托马斯 这里有个武器
Keep the gun on him, Thomas, there’s weapons here!
哦 重大发现 重大发现 朋友们
Oh, this is Christmas! This is Christmas, my friends.
This is the biggest find that I’ve ever seen.
Control, come in. Wikus Van De Merwe,
requesting First Reaction Battalion.
准备行动 伙计们
Stand by, guys!
这种枪我从没见过 你见过这个么
This gun I’ve never seen. Have you seen this?
这真是太令人惊讶了 看看这枪 这是什么枪
This is amazing! Look at this gun. What gun is this?
This is absolutely amazing!
你在做什么 我想把这个给托马斯看
– What are you doing? – I wanna show this to Thomas.
But I thought you said you can’t handle it.
不 我不是应付它 我只是展示它
No, I am not handling it, I’m just gonna show it.
我不打算使用它 人类甚至不能使用
I’m not gonna use it, man. It doesn’t even work with humans.
托马斯 看看这只枪
Thomas, look at this gun!
-那不是我的 -你是个军♥火♥商 -不是
– That’s not mine. – You’re a dealer, eh? – No.
你听到了吗 你看到发生的一切吗
You hear this, sir? You see what’s happening?
第一营 我的朋友 你们知道这意味着什么
First Battalion, my friend. You know what that means?
That means that your days of flaunting the law are over.
看一看 你看到那了吗 那是什么
Have a look, you see that? What’s that?
That’s a firing team.
Come here!
维库斯 你没事吧
Wikus! Are you all right?
你以为你在干什么 阿
Where do you think you’re going, eh?
在刀枪面前 你跑不了
You don’t run away from the chopper. – No, no…
你以为你能跑到哪 你想惹毛我
Where do you think you’re going? You wanna piss me off?
Koobus to base, come in!
我们有两个人受伤了 MNU警卫 MNU探员
I’ve got two people down. MNU guard, MNU agent.
我是福克斯特勒特·杨基 5-3-0 收到
It’s the Foxtrot Yankee 5-3-0… copy?
我们需要医护队 尽快
And we need a Med Evac ASAP.
不用 没事 库布斯 我并不需要医护人员
No, that’s fine, Koobus. I don’t need a Med Evac.
维库斯 你的手烧伤了 你得
Wikus, you burned your arm, you need to…
我就在这里治疗就行了 库布斯
I’ll just treat it here, Koobus.
先生 我真的认为你必须看看医生 进医生或者啥的
Sir, I really think you must go to a doctor, a hospital or something.
不 不 你得去医院检查一下
– No, no. – You should just get it checked out.
上点药就好了 扶我起来
I’ll just have it treated by the medics. Help me up.
特雷特 你看到大虾跑得有多快了吗
Did you see how fast that prawn was, Trent?
是的 他相当的快 告诉你 他相当的快
– Yeah, he was fast. – He was fast, I promise you.
看 我修好它了 它能工作了
Look, I fix it. I make it work.
I told you not to touch that.
What is wrong?
没事 出去放风去
Nothing. Go outside and watch for humans.
Where is your friend?
He’s gone.
你没事吧 没事 就是感觉有点热
Are you okay? – Yeah, I’m just a bit hot.
你们觉得热吗 你觉得热吗 特雷特 不热
Are you guys hot? Are you hot, Trent? – No.
是的 怕热就别进厨房♥
Yeah, if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen.
现在 你看看 到处都是小孩
Now you see. There’s kids everywhere.
这就是我的意思 这就是我们要摆脱他们的原因
This is what I mean. That’s why we get rid of them.
小家伙 是的 这就是我们为什么要让他们堕胎
– The little ones. – Yeah, that’s why we abort.
让我们干脆一枪毙了他们 别 别 别 现在别开枪
Lets just shoot the little bastard. – No, no, don’t shoot it now.
MNU探员 出来
MNU agents! Come out!
你好 小家伙 MNU为你带来了糖果
Hello, little guy. MNU has sweets for you.
去吧 吃你的糖果
There you go, eat your sweety.
吃起来甜甜的 这个方法每一次都非常灵验
