Not to say that Koobus and his cowboys are not wanted.
You guys are always wanted.
现在你看到了吧 这些都是他手下
You see now, these are the cowboys.
他们先射击 然后再回答问题
They shoot first, and then they answer the questions.
对不起 这是否超出了弹♥药♥配给的数量
Sorry, is this above the allocated amount of ammunition?
Because I see your pouches are full but…
I think maybe you should speak to the colonel.
F.A.G. over here says that we got too much ammunition.
不 我的意思是 库布斯 是那个
No, all I’m saying, Koobus, is that, you know…
you should find ways of making you guys more efficient…
听我说 你♥他♥妈♥的混小子
Listen to me, you fuck!
Get him outta my face.
无规矩不成方圆 这世上我们都按照规矩行事
There are rules, we’re all living by rules in this world.
Well, l don’t think he can be forgiven for what he did,
-因为这看起来就像是叛乱 -我得开始出发了 Les
cause it’s like a betrayal. – I’ve gotta get going, Les.
我想我们应该剪掉这个采访 因为我们将
I think we’re gonna have to cut this interview, cause we’re gonna go…
带上你的弹♥药♥ 走 我们走吧
Take your magazines, people. Come on, lets go.
The Prawn doesn’t really understand the concept of ownership of property.
因此 我们去到那里并说 听着 这是我们的土地
So, we have to come there and say: listen, this is our land.
请 你会走开吗
Please, will you go?
It’s difficult to put the vest on by yourself.
托马斯 你能帮帮我么 好的 头
Thomas, can you help me? – All right, boss.
They told me I was gonna get the vest inside the Casper.
托马斯 看看那边还有防弹衣吗
Thomas, just look on the side if there’s a vest there?
我只是担心我的家人 别担心防弹衣 一切都会很顺利的
I’m just concerned about my family. – Don’t worry about the vest, it’ll be fine.
Rights groups have demanded that mercenaries should comply
with all YO regulations in District 9.
We’re coming to you from the entrance of District 9
今天 多国联合部队将开始重新安置
as today, Multi National United sets out to relocate
approximately 1.8 million alien residents from their homes.
Human rights groups are keeping a watchful eye,
as many suspect abuses might occur.
We’re seeing heavily armed private security forces
being deployed into District 9.
Backed up by significant air support.
我们将进入一间一间小屋 并让他们在表格上签名
We’ll go shack to shack and get them to sign the form.
First one EX 247.
我们看到车队停下来了 行动马上就要开始
We’re seeing the convoy stop. The operation is about to begin.
Just stay focused.
准备好了吗 托马斯 是的 准备好了
Are you ready, Thomas? – Yeah. – Okay.
那是一个信♥号♥♥吗 是的 伙伴们
Is that a signal? Okay, fellows.
你和我们一起 祝你好运
You stay behind us. Good luck, boy.
别起来 他要去哪 这是什么
Stay low! Where is he going? What is it?
很明显 安全性非常高
It’s clear that security is very high.
This is only the beginning of a total clamp down.
我们是MNU探员 请开门 开门
This is MNU agents. Open the door please! – Open up!
喂 喂 喂
Hello! Hello, hello…
This is Wikus Van De Merwe from MNU.
We are here to serve you an eviction notice.
你只需要将在这里签字就好了 滚开
You just put your scrawl there. – Fuck off!
好的 托马斯 慢着 我们已经取得了他的签字
All right! Thomas, hold it! We’ve got his scrawl there.
因为它碰到它了 这也算
Because as he hit it, it counts as a scrawl.
每次我们进去时 我们之间
First time we come in, there will always be a little bit
of tension happening between us and them.
嘿 你不能吃那个
Hey, you can’t eat that, man!
大虾喜欢吃橡胶 对他而言 这就像棉花糖一样好吃
The prawn likes to eat the rubber. To him it’s like a marshmallow.
别 别 警卫 别这样对着着他
No, no! Guard! Don’t confront him like that!
看到那了吗 平静点
Did you see that? Right in the roost. Stay calm!
这将成为一个问题 现在所有的大虾都出来了
This is gonna be a problem cause now all prawns are coming out,
他们想弄清楚发生了什么 停止 停止
they wanna see what’s going on. Stop it! Stop it!
把我的东西拿过来 看 他们都聚起来了
Bring my kit. See, everybody is gathering now.
别开枪 不然你将要把这里变成一个战场
Don’t shoot or you’re gonna turn it into a warzone!
-那是什么 那是催♥泪♥弹♥吗 -不 这是猫粮
What is that? Is that a tear gas? – No, it’s cat food.
这是猫粮 我只想引开他们的注意力
It is cat food. I just distract them.
其中一个袭击了大虾 他丢掉了他的手臂
One of them attacked the prawn and he’s lost his arm.
不 这不是我的房♥子 我不住在那
No it’s not my house. I don’t live here.
那非常遗憾 你知道 这
Well, that’s a pity because, you know, this…
这是一种很好的猫粮 但当然 这并不是你的房♥子
This is a nice cat food, you know. But of course, it’s not your house.
-所以 我们要走了 把它给别人 -是的 这是我的房♥子
So, we’ll just have to go and give it to someone else. – Yes! It’s my house!
我们要你在这里签名 现在你可以拿它了
We need you to sign here. Now you can take that…
好 停下
All right. Stop it!
The creatures became incredibly obsessed with cat food.
一些像猫薄荷的东西 不过味道更重一点
Something about it, like catnip for cats. Only a lot more intense.
喂 MNU 我们正在发放驱逐通知
Hello? MNU. We are here to serve eviction notices.
What is eviction?
What we have stranded on Earth in this colony,
is basically the workers that are unable to think for themselves.
他们只会听从命令 他们不掌握主动权
They will take commands, they have no initiative.
They’ve lost all the apt of leadership
不管是什么导致的 我们推断这是疾病所致
through whatever cause. We presume illness.
I’m holding steady over Nigerian compound area.
有贫民窟的地方就有犯罪 第九区也不例外
Where there’s a slum, there’s crime. And District 9 was no exception.
尼日利亚人诡计多端 其中一种就是猫粮骗术
The nigerians had various scams going. One of them was the cat food scam.
在那里他们把猫粮价格以非常高的价格 出♥售♥给外星人
Where they sold cat food to the aliens for exorbitant prices.
你把钱放在这里 然后你就可以拿着这些东西离开了
You put the money here first. You don’t get anything until you pay.
你想干什么 我将把你的嘴打扁
What are you trying to do? I’ll chop your balls off.
Not to mention interspecies prostitution,
and they also dealt in alien weaponry.
有车辆被劫持了 有商♥铺♥被打劫了
You have a car hijacking, there’s a chop shop there,
你可以看那 那里有一辆车
you can see that, that’s somebody’s car in there.
The nigerians in District 9 are headed by a man called Obesandjo.
He’s a very powerful underground figure in Johannesburg.
You don’t want to play with these boys.
They will cut you into pieces.
那就是他们的头 好的 没问题
That’s the boss there. OK, no problem.
别看他 会惹麻烦的
Don’t look at him! This is gonna cause problems.
好 下一个是 766
All right, next. 766, all right.
MNU人员 请开门
MNU agents. Open the door please!
喔 天呀 这是什么
Whoa! Jesus! What is it?
Check the other side!
Control, this is Wikus Van De Merwe.
在JV766 我需要一只种群管制队伍
I need a population control team at JV 766 immediately, please.
检查另一边 托马斯 那里有40到50个蛋
Check the other side, Thomas! There is 40 to 50 eggs in here.
这正常吗 这真是一个让人惊异的发现
Is this normal? – This is an amazing find.
我只能向你展示一二 它是如何工作的
l can just show you a little bit how it works.
基本上 一头牛被悬挂在天花板上 就如你在这里所看到的这样
Basically, a cow is hung from the ceiling, you can see here.
它已经所剩无几了 当然 因为所有的这些管道
Very little of it left, of course, because all these pipes
supply the nutrition to the little prawn eggs.
你可以干掉一个 我来告诉你 想要看吗 不用了 谢谢
You can do one, I can show you, want to see? – No, I’m fine.
就这样 好了 这家伙再也没有营养供应了
There we go. Okay, no more nutrition to the guy.
最后 我们把氧气管也拔了
Then finally we take air back.
The little guy is gone to a nice little sleep now.
你把这些东西拔♥出♥来♥ 把它拔♥出♥来♥
You pop him out, there we go. Pop him out here.
你可以留住这个 你可以把它当作 你这一次行动的纪念品
You can take that. You wanna keep it as a souvenir of your first abortion.
-你可以想象你亲手干掉了一个了 -谢谢 头
You can feel like you did one of these here. – Thanks, boss.
好了 来了 伙计们 这是火枪
Okay, here it comes, guys. This is the snake.
If we were going to abort each egg one at the time,
这会花上很长一段时间 所以 这样更合理些
it’d take a very long time. So, this makes a lot of sense.
听到了吗 现在正传来砰砰的声音
You hear that? That’s a popping sound that you’re hearing.
It’s almost like a popcorn.
What the egg does, it pops up.
这些留在那里的小家伙 就爆破开了
The little guy, what’s left of him, pops out there.
所以 你们就听到了砰砰的响声
So that’s the sound that you’re hearing with the popping.
哥们 你不需要这个 只有女人才戴那玩意
You don’t need that, man. Only sissies wear that.
Been drinking a little bit here, eh?
你在对这电视做什么 这是什么
What are you doing with this television set, sir? What’s this?
喂 对着镜头笑笑
Hey, smile for the cameras here.
那是第一天的发现 那是一个大发现
That’s a first day find. – That’s a big find.
看到没 特雷特 看看这个 这里到处都是武器
You see this? Trent, look at this! There’s weapons all over here.
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