自去年后进入公♥司♥后 我的妻子总是鼓励我
You know, after last year’s corporate, my wife was always encouraging me.
她说 你干得很出色 你在公♥司♥干得很出色
You know, she said: you did fine, you did fine in the corporate.
我有些紧张 这小麦克风 哈罗 对不起
I was a bit nervous. This little guy… hello. Sorry.
这样很好 是吗 很好的背景 有人在那里
That’s nice, eh? Nice background with the people there…
-我们正在 我必须这样看 -直看着镜头就好
We are here at the… must I look..? – Just look straight at the lens.
We are here at the… MNU head office,
Wikus Van De Merwe Department of Alien Affairs. My name is Wikus Van De Merwe.
在我身后 你会看到其他外星人事务处的工作人员
And behind me you can see the Alien Affairs’ workers.
And what we do here at this department is…
we try to engage with the Prawn
on behalf of MNU and on behalf of humans.
让所有人都感到意外的是 太空船并没有停在
To everyone’s surprise, the ship didn’t come to a stop
曼哈顿 华盛顿 抑或芝加哥
over Manhattan or Washington or Chicago,
but instead it costed to a halt directly over the city of Johannesburg.
船门在三个月内都没有打开 它就悬浮在那里 没人能够进去
The doors didn’t open for 3 months. It just hovered there. Nobody could get in.
在深思熟虑之后 他们终于决定
And they eventually decided, after much deliberation,
最好的方法是切割飞船 破门而入
that the best thing to do would be to physically cut their way in.
We were on the verge of first contact.
The whole world was watching.
期待着 或许是
Expecting, I don’t know…
…music from heaven and bright shining lights.
哦 天呀
Oh my God!
The creatures were extremely malnourished,
他们非常不健康 看起来精神恍惚
they were very unhealthy, they seemed to be aimless.
那时 我们承受着来自世界各地的压力
There was a lot of international pressure on us at the time.
The entire world was looking at Johannesburg,
因此 我们必须做正确的事情
so we had to do the right thing.
The government then established an aid group that started to
将这些外星人运送到 船下方的建立的临时营地里
ferry the aliens to a temporary camp set up just beneath the ship.
我们并没有明确的计划 他们有数百万人
We didn’t have a plan. There was a million of them.
因此 临时的收♥容♥所♥就成为了隔离区
So, what was a temporary holding zone soon became fenced,
并开始实施军事化管理 而在之前 这是一个贫民窟
became militarized. And before we knew it, it was a slum.
但事实是 没人真正知道 这究竟是什么地方
But the truth is, nobody really knew what this place was.
There’s a lot of secrets in District 9.
起初 大家的注意力都集中在
At first, a lot of attention was given to…
giving the aliens a proper status and protection.
为了维持那些外星人生活 他们花了大量的钱
They’re spending so much money to keep them here.
When they could be spending it on other things, but…
…at least they’re keeping them separate from us.
我想每个人都应该实际点 这些外星人将不可能回到他们原来的星球
l want to be realistic with everyone. The aliens will not be able to go home.
The aliens are here to stay.
对于这件事 人们有各种解释
There were literally thousands of different theories
至于船为什么无法操作 只能推测是
as to why the ship seemed inoperable, and what was speculated was that
the command module had detached itself from the main ship,
然后 又莫名其妙地失踪了
and then somehow mysteriously became lost.
它是自己堕落的还是按照预定程序 我不知道
Did it fall by itself or was it programmed? I don’t know.
Examination of the old video footage
可以清楚地发现有一小块东西 从船上掉落下来
shows very clearly that a piece falls from the ship.
我们搜索它 我们到处搜索它
We look for it. We look everywhere.
This piece that’s falling caused us bloody problems.
More energy weapon caches found.
The Special task force conducted raids in District 9.
有武器的地方就有犯罪 紧张状况不断上升 上升
Where there’s a weapon, there’s crime. Tensions rose, and rose.
人们变得越来越不满 并最终引发了骚乱
People became more and more fed up, and eventually the rioting started.
Tembisa的居民为了把外星人 从他们的小镇上赶走
Residents in Tembisa rioted for the third consecutive night
in an attempt to remove all the aliens from their township.
我想他们一定要修好那艘船 他们必须离开
I think they must fix that ship and they must go.
病毒 精心挑选一种病毒 把它释放到外星人附近
A virus, a selective virus. Release it near the aliens.
他们必须离开 不管去哪 尽管走开
They must just go. I don’t know where, just go.
如果他们是来自其它 我们能理解的国家的话
If they was from another country we might understand.
But they are not even from this planet.
The government have enforced a nationwide curfew.
外星人 那些大虾 他们夺走了我的妻子
The aliens, prawns, they take my wife away.
这个贬损的词”大虾”用来指那些外星人 很明显 他暗指
The derogatory term Prawn is used for the alien, and obviously it implies
something that is a bottom feeder, that scavenges the leftovers.
我的意思是 你不能说 他们不像那种动物
I mean, you can’t say they don’t look like that.
他们看起来就是那个样子 不是吗 他们看起来的确像大虾
That’s what they look like, right? They look like prawns.
外星人抢走了数额不明的现金 一个旁观者受伤了
The aliens made off with an undisclosed amount of cash. One bystander was hurt.
What for an alien might be seen as something recreational,
比如放火点燃汽车 让火车出轨
setting fire to a truck, derailing a train,
对人们而言 这些都明显是极端具有破坏性的行为
is for us obviously an extremely destructive act.
They can take the sneakers you are wearing off you.
他们会抢走你身上的一切 你的手♥机♥或者其它任何东西
They take whatever you have on you. Your cell phone or anything.
之后 他们会要了你的命
After that they kill you.
现在 20年后 公众的压力迫使政♥府♥
And now, after 20 years, public pressure had forced the government
to shift the aliens out of Johannesburg.
他们受够了 他们希望 第九区搬走
They had had enough and they wanted District 9 to be moved,
and more intensively policed and controlled.
因此 要实施这个大规模的驱逐行动 政♥府♥借助于MNU的力量
So, to enforce this mass eviction, the government turned to MNU.
欢迎你们 谢谢你们的到来
Welcome all and thank you for coming.
Please listen very closely to this briefing.
Today we start a very complex and delicate operation.
This is the largest operation that MNU has ever undertaken,
and we believe that it is going to be undertaken successfully.
It is to move 1.8 million prawns
从他们现有的家第九区转移到 位于约翰内斯堡200公里之外的
from their present home in District 9 to a safer and better location
200 kilometers outside of Johannesburg City.
我们在那里建造了一个更舒适的新环境 在那里 大虾
We built a nice new facility where the prawn can go,
能够过得相对舒适 它们可以呆在那里
he can be comfortable, he can stay there…
The people of Johannesburg and of South Africa are going to live
happily and safely, knowing that that prawn is very far away.
UIO protocol dictates that we give the aliens
24 hours notice of our right to evict.
今天 你们将宣布这一正式通知 让外星人们签订I-27协议
Today, you will serve these notices getting the aliens to sign I-27 form.
MNU用来驱逐外星人的法律 实际上只是一个幌子
The legality that MNU is using to evict the aliens is simply a whitewash.
I’m going to appoint a field officer to take direct command.
Wikus Van De Merwe.
Everybody always said that Wikus was not a very smart boy,
但他是一个非凡的儿子 是我的维库斯 正如
but he was a wonderful son. That was my Wikus, just…
感觉这是人生的一大步 谢谢你 皮耶特 史密斯先生
Feels like life on the big stage. Thank you Piet… Mr Smith.
l had to put aside the fact that my daughter was married to Wikus.
That didn’t affect my decision to promote him.
这个升职几乎和我结婚的日子一样重大 嗯 当然还没有结婚那么重大
It’s almost as big as my wedding day. You know… not as big.
Wikus was always making me things.
He said that way they just mean so much more.
有一天 他把这个纸钵留在了沙发上
He left this paper-mache bowl on the sofa one day
而我并没有看到 我坐下了 并 把它压扁了
and I didn’t see it and I sat down, and I… kinda squashed it.
为了调查 他们把他的所有东西都带走了
They took all his stuff away for the investigation, and…
I made them bring it all back.
嘿 恭喜你 年轻人 谢谢 先生
Hey, congratulations, man! – Thanks, man.
你去P7 维库斯 事情怎样了
Okay, you’re gonna go to P7. – Wikus! – How is it going, man?
这么办吧 P9归你 谢谢
Here’s the shake. P9 for you. – Thanks.
我并不是说他做的是对的 但
I’m not saying what he did was right, but…
he took the choices that were given to him.
-这是特雷特 -方德斯瓦 特雷特 -你好
This is Trent. Fundiswa, Trent. – Hi.
Fundiswa is the guy that I’ve selected to replace me.
-今天他能做到吗 啊 -我会做到的
If he can make it today, eh? – I’ll make it.
I just want everyone watching this right now
能从中学到一些东西 你可能会认为
to learn from what has happened. – You would think…
这些事情只会发生在别人身上 不会发生在自己身上
things like this would happen to somebody else, not to me.
情况怎样了 队友 你有我的东西么
How is it going, man? Long time, mate. Have you got my stuff?
喂 老板 -最近怎样了 很好 老板
Hey, boss! – How is it going? – I’m all right, boss.
好 好 这是方德斯瓦 他今天和我们一起训练
Good, good, this is Fundiswa. He is training with us today.
I think I was disgusted with the way he worked.
总是给别人暗示 和范德默尔
There was always just a hint of something not quite kosher
-不是很合适 -没人知道下一步他会干啥
with mr Van De Merwe. – Nobody saw it coming at all.
None of us had any idea of what he was doing.
l think it is a great thing to see that…
it’s not the military guys in charge this time.
