我懂了 然后又怎样了呢?
I see. And what happened then?
Well, then he pushed me across the desk.
I remember feeling for the scissors.
Where were those scissors usually kept?
在那针线盒里 我忘了把剪刀放回去了
In that mending basket. I’d forgotten to put them away.
什么使你想起 他是从窗簾后出来的
Now, what makes you think he came from behind those curtains?
-不然从哪呢 -窗帘是拉上
-Where else could he have been? -The curtains were drawn?
-对 是拉上的 -是你自己拉的?
-They were. -Did you draw them?
不是 探长 是我出门前拉上的
No, inspector, I drew them just before I went out.
-你同时也扣上了窗户吗 -是的
-Did you lock the window at the same time? -Yes.
-你很确定吗 -非常确定
-Are you quite sure of that, sir? -Perfectly sure.
I always lock up when I draw the curtains.
How do you suppose he got in?
We assume that he broke in.
There’s no sign of a break-in.
Our report shows the lock’s quite undamaged.
Mrs. Wendice…
在这件事发生之后 你为什么没有立刻报♥警♥呢?
why didn’t you call the police immediately this happened?
I was trying to call to the police…
when I discovered my husband was on the line.
I naturally thought that he would call the police from the hotel…
-他会从饭店打电♥话♥给警方 -你有想过找医生来吗?
-before he came here. -Didn’t it occur to you to call a doctor?
-没有 -为什么呢
-No. -Why ever not?
-他已经死了 -你怎么知道他死了
-He was dead. -How did you know that?
-那是显然的 -你有按他的脉博吗
-It was obvious. -Did you feel his pulse?
没有 我当然没有
No. Of course I didn’t.
Anyone would have realized he was dead.
Just one look at those staring eyes…
所以 你必竟看了他的脸了
So you did see his face after all.
I saw his eyes! I can’t remember his face!
探长 我太太显然没见过这个人
Inspector, my wife obviously had never seen this man before.
不是从那窗户进来 他怎么进来?
And if he didn’t come in by those windows, how did he get in?
事实上 我们十分肯定他是从这扇门进来的
As a matter of fact, we’re quite certain that he came in by this door.
But it was locked.
玛歌♥? 我们走了之后你开过门吗
Margot, did you open that door at all after we’d gone?
-没有 -一共有几把钥匙呢?
-No. -How many keys are there to this door, sir?
只有两把 我的在我皮包里 你带着你的
Only two. Mine was in my handbag, and you had yours with you.
对 没错
Yes, that’s right.
-管♥理♥员♥有钥匙吗 -没有
-Has the caretaker got a key? -No.
Do you employ a charwoman?
有雇 但她也没有钥匙
Yes, but she hasn’t got one either.
当她来时 我总是在家的
I’m always here when she comes.
是什么使你们认为 他从这进来的
What makes you think he came in this way?
-他的鞋 -他的鞋?
-His shoes. -His shoes?
The ground was soaking wet last night.
如果他是从院子进来的 他会在地毯上留下脚印
And if he’d come in by the garden, he’d have left mud all over the carpet.
As it is, he didn’t leave any marks at all…
because he wiped his shoes on the front doormat.
-你怎么知道 -那门垫还很新
-How can you tell? -It’s a fairly new mat…
and some of its fibers came off on his shoes.
-但 的确 -门垫上留有柏油
-But surely… -And there was a small tar stain…
on the mat, and some of the fibers show that as well.
There is no question about it.
Wait a minute.
I think I’ve got it.
Remember when your bag was stolen?
-记得 -那钥匙在皮包里吗?
-Yes. -Wasn’t the key inside?
是的 但我皮包找到时钥匙还在
Yes, but it was still there when I got it back.
等等 我倒想听听这件事
Now, just a moment. I’d like to hear about this.
-是什么样子的皮包 -是手提包 探长
-What sort of bag? -A handbag, inspector.
My wife lost it at Victoria Station.
但我两周后 在失物招领处找到了
But I got it back from the lost and found two weeks later.
-有什么东西不见了吗? -所有的钱都不见了
-Was anything missing? -All the money was gone.
-其他的呢? -没有
-Anything else? -No.
-我是说文件或是书信 -没有
-No papers or letters? -No.
-你确定吗? -确定
-Are you quite sure about that? -Yes.
你皮包遗失时 钥匙在皮包里?
And your latchkey was in your handbag when you lost it?
是的 但皮包找到时钥匙还在
Yes, but it was still there when it was returned.
用那些偷的钱 可以复♥制♥一把钥匙
But whoever stole the money could have copied the key.
Where was the bag found eventually?
At Victoria Station.
先生 你说你在那儿看过这个人
Wasn’t that where you said you saw this man, sir?
When did you lose the bag?
是不是 我们去看佩姬的那个周末
Wasn’t it that weekend we went to visit Peggy?
没错 我想起来了
Yes, it was. I remember now.
He was sitting in the restaurant.
-你的皮包是在餐厅掉的 -没错
-Was that where you left your bag? -Yes…
and didn’t I say something about, “There’s someone from college”?
-我不记得了 -那就是他怎么进来的
-I don’t remember. -That’s how he got in.
他复♥制♥了一把 原来的放回皮包
He made a duplicate and returned the original to the bag.
Before you go any further with this, how did he get in through the street door?
-大门是从来都不上锁的 -我明白了
-The street door is never locked. -I see.
Well, he could have had your key copied.
And he could have used it to open the door.
但是 当然 他没有用
But, of course, he didn’t.
-为什么呢 -因为要是他用了
-Why not? -Because if he had…
the key would still have been on him when he died.
但是我们翻他口袋 没有发现钥匙
But no key was found when we went through his pockets.
We seem to be back just where we started.
Well, not quite.
Well, then how did he get in?
We’d better get all this down on paper.
我要两位在审讯前 做正式的笔录
I’d like you both to make an official statement before the inquest.
我的办公室 离这里只有几分钟路
My office is only moments from here.
Perhaps you could come now.
-东尼 玛歌♥ -马克 这位是哈伯探长
-Tony. Marg… -Mark, this is Inspector Hubbard.
-探长 这位是马克?哈利戴 -他昨夜和我在一起
-Inspector, this is Mark Halliday. -He was with me last night.
-探长 你好 -哈利戴先生
-How do you do? -Mr. Halliday.
你昨夜和温地斯先生在一起 你也许可以帮上点忙
As you were with Mr. Wendice last night, you may help us.
你记得 他去打电♥话♥时是几点吗?
Now, did you notice what time it was he went to the phone?
记得 正好是十一点过三分
Yes. Matter of fact, it was three minutes after 11.
How did you come to notice that?
温地斯先生的表停了 我们有些人在比对时间
Mr. Wendice’s watch had stopped. Some of us compared times.
谢谢 你要知道 就是温地斯太太
Thank you. See, it was when Mrs. Wendice came in here…
过来接电♥话♥时 她受到了攻击
to answer his call that she was attacked.
Did you phone Margot before or after your boss?
马克 我正要问你呢
Tony, I know what I wanted to ask you.
Why did you telephone me last night?
等等 别让我忘了这条线索
Now, just one moment, before I lose the thread of this.
在11点过3分 你从宴会出来去给老板打电♥话♥
Now, at three minutes past 11, you left your party to phone your boss.
对 我用大厅里的公共电♥话♥
Yes, I used the lobby pay phone.
How long were you on the phone to your boss…
before you called your wife?
I never did speak to him.
I couldn’t remember his number
so I rang my wife to look it up in the address book.
You mean, you hauled me out of bed to get his number?
亲爱的 我必须这样 我老板今早要飞到布鲁塞尔
I had to. My boss was flying to Brussels this morning.
I wanted to remind him of something. It was rather important.
Wasn’t there a directory in the hotel?
有 但没有登录他乡间的电♥话♥
Yes, but his country number wouldn’t be in that directory.
-你给他打电♥话♥了吗 -没有
-And did you phone him? -Oh, no.
自然没有 当我听到这里的事
When I heard what happened here…
-我把那件事全都给忘记了 -是呀
-I forgot all about it. -Yes.
哈利戴先生 温地斯先生 太太
Mr. Halliday, Mr. and Mrs. Wendice are coming…
现在来我办公室 来做他们的笔录
to my office now to make their statements.
你能把你的地址给我吗? 以便我要和你连络
Would you give me your address, sir? I may want to get in touch.
-当然 -我去拿大衣
-Certainly. -I’ll just get my coat.
-我住在卡菲饭店 -就写在这上面行吗?
-I’m staying at Carfax Hotel. -Just write it down there, will you?
