



词性: 动词

发音: dih-skrai

中文解释: 发现,察觉,看见


  1. 描述观察(Describing Observation):
    • The lookout on the ship could descry land on the horizon.(船上的观察员能够看到地平线上的陆地。)
    • From the mountaintop, we could descry a beautiful valley below.(从山顶上,我们可以看到下面一个美丽的山谷。)
  2. 发现,察觉(Detect, Perceive):
    • The detective managed to descry a clue at the crime scene.(侦探设法在犯罪现场发现了一个线索。)
    • She could barely descry the outline of a figure in the darkness.(在黑暗中,她勉强能察觉到一个人的轮廓。)
  3. 察觉到远处的事物(Discern Something Distant):
    • With his keen eyesight, he could descry birds flying high in the sky.(凭借他敏锐的视力,他能够看到高空中飞翔的鸟儿。)
    • I squinted my eyes, trying to descry the distant ship on the horizon.(我眯着眼睛,试图看清地平线上的远船。)
  4. 辨认,辨别(Recognize, Identify):
    • Even from a distance, I could descry her familiar face in the crowd.(即使在远处,我也能辨认出她在人群中熟悉的面孔。)
    • The detective could descry the suspect among the group of people.(侦探能够在人群中辨认出嫌疑人。)
  5. 窥见,洞察(Catch a Glimpse, Perceive Insight):
    • Through her artwork, we can descry her creative talent and unique perspective.(通过她的艺术作品,我们可以窥见她的创造才华和独特的视角。)
    • The professor’s lecture allowed us to descry the complexities of the subject.(教授的讲座让我们洞察到这门学科的复杂性。)


descry (dih SCRY) This verb comes to us from the French word for “to call out.” It means “to catch sight of something that is difficult to see” or “to discover something by very careful scrutiny” (see #1). It should not be confused with “decry,” which comes from the same French root but means “to openly condemn.”

  • In the dusky distance, Marlowe descried a ship heading out toward the horizon, its sails golden in the sunset.
  • After carefully examining the hieroglyphics in the cave, Indiana Jones descried directions that would lead directly to the secret vault containing the treasures of the lost ark.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
descry(dih SCRY)这个动词来自法语单词“大声喊出来”。它的意思是“看到很难看到的东西”或“通过非常仔细的观察发现一些东西”(参见#1)。它不应与“decream”混淆,后者来自同一法语词根,但意味着“公开谴责”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
