

[verb] obtain something from (a specified source)
[动词] 从(某个特定的来源)获得某物


Derive 是一个比熟词 drive 多一个字母,但又比单词 deprive (剥夺)少一个字母的单词。该词源自拉丁语 derivare (从源头引出或排出水流),14世纪末经古法语 deriver (流出、倒出;衍生、起源)进入英语后,主要用来表示从某个特定的来源“取得、获得、得到、形成”某物,常用搭配 derive sth from sth 作正式用语使用,多意味着由先前以另一形式存在的事物衍生而出,也可以指主动地从某处获得或取得乐趣、利益、知识、安慰等抽象事物,比如:

  • 在阴冷的冬日里,他从拉小提琴中获得了极大的乐趣。
    He derived great pleasure from playing the violin in the bleak winter.


  • 这种最有效的药物是从鱼油中提炼出来的。
    The most potent drug is derived from fish oil.

等到了16世纪中期, derive 开始用短语动词 derive from sth 或 be derived from sth 表示“起源于、来自、从……衍生出”,主要指某个词以某个(通常是另一种语言的)特定词作为词根或词源,这个表达后来也被用来泛指其他事物来自或起源于某个特定的来源,比如:

  • 英语的 ample 一词源自拉丁语中的 amplus 。
    The English word “ample” derives from the Latin word “amplus”.
  • 她是个适应力强的女孩。她的坚强源自于她的父母和姐妹们。
    She is a resilient girl. Her strength is derived from her parents and her sisters.

而到了17世纪之后, derive 开始进一步用在语言学上表示“追溯或说明……的起源或来由”,比如:

  • 我们可以把英语中“chic”一词的起源追溯到法语。
    We can derive English “chic” from French.


For the rest, she suffered much from depression of spirits, and took slow walks to recover them, in which she carried her grandfather’s telescope and her grandmother’s hourglass — the latter because of a peculiar pleasure she derived from watching a material representation of time’s gradual glide away.

出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代(Thomas Hardy)的长篇小说《还乡》(The Return of the Native)。


Rather than peddle brand-new virtual products, Miniwiz derives value from physically repurposing old rubbish.
Some scientists are beginning to look seriously at just what benefits patients may derive from spirituality.


Derive 是一个动词,意为获得、得到或源自。以下是关于 “derive” 的短语:


  • Derive pleasure: 获得快乐
  • Derive benefits: 获得利益
  • Derive knowledge: 获得知识
  • Derive inspiration: 获得灵感
  • Derive satisfaction: 获得满足感
  • Derive income: 获得收入
  • Derive support: 获得支持
  • Derive strength: 获得力量
  • Derive confidence: 获得信心
  • Derive joy: 获得喜悦
  • Derive meaning: 获得意义
  • Derive wisdom: 获得智慧
  • Derive motivation: 获得动力
  • Derive insights: 获得见解
  • Derive pleasure from: 从…获得快乐
  • Derive benefits from: 从…获得利益
  • Derive inspiration from: 从…获得灵感
  • Derive satisfaction from: 从…获得满足感
  • Derive support from: 从…获得支持
  • Derive strength from: 从…获得力量
  • Derive confidence from: 从…获得信心


  • Derive meaning from: 从…中推导出含义
  • Derive conclusions: 推导结论
  • Derive principles: 推导原则
  • Derive equations: 推导方程式
  • Derive formulas: 推导公式
  • Derive theories: 推导理论
  • Derive implications: 推导含义
  • Derive insights from: 从…中得出见解
  • Derive knowledge from: 从…中获得知识


  • Derived from: 源自于
  • Derivative of: …的衍生物
  • Derived concept: 衍生概念
  • Derived meaning: 衍生含义
  • Derived word: 衍生词
  • Derived form: 衍生形式
  • Derived product: 衍生产品


  • Derive pleasure out of: 从…中获得快乐
  • Derive happiness from: 从…中获得幸福
  • Derive energy from: 从…中获得能量
  • Derive strength from adversity: 在逆境中获得力量
  • Derive satisfaction from accomplishment: 从成就中获得满足感
  • Derive inspiration from nature: 从自然中获得灵感


glean: extract (information) from various sources
exploit: make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource)
extract: derive (an idea or the evidence for it) from a body of information

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
