
delegate (DELL uh gate) As a verb this word means “to authorize and send as one’s representative” or “to commit or entrust to another person.” It should not be confused with “relegate,” which means “to assign to an obscure place” or “to classify” or “banish.”

  • If Stuart would only learn to delegate more of his responsibilities to his assistants, he would have more time to play golf and spend time with his kids.
  • At the annual meeting of International Global Ltd., the members of the board and the top administration were seated around the huge mahogany table in the third floor conference room. All of the junior staffers were relegated to the folding chairs along the wall.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
delegate(DELL uh gate)作为一个动词,这个词的意思是“授权并作为自己的代表发送”或“委托或委托给另一个人”。它不应该与“降级”混淆,“降级”的意思是指“分配到一个不知名的地方”或“分类”或“驱逐”

  • 如果斯图尔特只学会把更多的责任交给助手,他就会有更多的时间打高尔夫,花时间和孩子们在一起
  • 在国际全球有限公司的年会上,董事会成员和高层管理人员围坐在三楼会议室的巨大红木桌旁。所有的初级职员都被安排在靠墙的折叠椅上

