
n. 推测;猜想
vi. 推测;揣摩
vt. 推测




1. 共同的扔(玫瑰)出去,看看大家都有什么反应.
2. 比如破案,就是将目前所掌握的所有事实情况放在一起,然后基于这些情况去推测,然后再对这些推测去逐一的论证。


conjecture 推测
con-, 强调。-ject, 扔,投掷,词源同abject, project.


conjecture” 是一个动词,意为猜测或推测,以下是包含这个词的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. conjecture about – 猜测关于
  2. conjecture on – 猜测关于
  3. conjecture regarding – 猜测关于
  4. conjecture concerning – 猜测关于
  5. conjecture into – 猜测到
  6. conjecture over – 对…猜测
  7. conjecture beyond – 超越猜测
  8. conjecture within – 在…之内猜测
  9. conjecture outside – 在…之外猜测
  10. conjecture on the origins – 对起源的猜测
  11. conjecture about the future – 对未来的猜测
  12. conjecture on the outcome – 对结果的猜测
  13. conjecture regarding the cause – 对原因的猜测
  14. conjecture concerning the implications – 对影响的猜测
  15. conjecture into the possibilities – 探讨可能性的猜测
  16. conjecture over the significance – 对重要性的猜测
  17. conjecture beyond the boundaries – 超越界限的猜测
  18. conjecture within the realm – 在领域内的猜测
  19. conjecture outside the norm – 超出常规的猜测
  20. conjecture on the subject – 对主题的猜测
  21. conjecture about the meaning – 对意义的猜测
  22. conjecture regarding the purpose – 对目的的猜测
  23. conjecture concerning the consequences – 对后果的猜测
  24. conjecture into the details – 对细节的猜测
  25. conjecture over the course – 对过程的猜测
  26. conjecture beyond imagination – 超越想象的猜测
  27. conjecture within reason – 在合理范围内的猜测
  28. conjecture outside the box – 超越常规的猜测
  29. conjecture on the topic – 对话题的猜测
  30. conjecture about the source – 对来源的猜测
  31. conjecture regarding the solution – 对解决方案的猜测
  32. conjecture concerning the process – 对过程的猜测
  33. conjecture into the unknown – 对未知的猜测
  34. conjecture over the years – 多年来的猜测
  35. conjecture beyond belief – 超越信仰的猜测
  36. conjecture within the framework – 在框架内的猜测
  37. conjecture outside the scope – 超越范围的猜测
  38. conjecture on the subject matter – 对主题的猜测
  39. conjecture about the theory – 对理论的猜测
  40. conjecture regarding the outcome – 对结果的猜测
  41. conjecture concerning the truth – 对真相的猜测
  42. conjecture into the mystery – 对谜团的猜测
  43. conjecture over the situation – 对情况的猜测
  44. conjecture beyond comprehension – 超越理解的猜测
  45. conjecture within the framework of science – 在科学框架内的猜测
  46. conjecture outside the realm of possibility – 超越可能性的领域的猜测
  47. conjecture on the matter – 对事情的猜测
  48. conjecture about the origin – 对起源的猜测
  49. conjecture into the meaning – 对意义的猜测
  50. conjecture over the impact – 对影响的猜测
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
