

chafe 英 [tʃeɪf] 美 [tʃeɪf]


Troubles and other realities took on themselves a metaphysical impalpability, sinking to mere mental phenomena for serene contemplation, and no longer stood as pressing concretions which chafed body and soul.
出自英国小说家托马斯·哈代的长篇小说《德伯家的苔丝》(Tess of the d’Urbervilles)。小说最初在杂志上连载,1891年开始以书籍发行,主要讲述英格兰有个贫家少女名叫苔丝,她美丽、单纯且富有责任感,却遭到命运的捉弄。
背景图片:《苔丝 Tess》电影壁纸


[verb] (with reference to a part of the body) make or become sore by rubbing against something
[动词] (指身体的一部分)因摩擦某物而疼痛


Chafe 一词源自拉丁语 calefacere (使变热、使变暖),经古法语 chaufer (烧热、加热,对应现代法语 chauffer)进入英语,原指“摩擦生热、摩擦取暖”,这一含义发展到今天则是指“(尤指用手)擦热”或“摩擦……使恢复感觉”,比如:

  • 母亲凝视着她女儿乌黑油亮的头发,并搓热她儿子冰冷的双手。
    The mother pored on her daughter’s sleek black hair and chafed her son’s cold hands.


  • 衣领特别紧,把她的歪脖子磨痛了。
    The collar was far too tight and chafed her wry neck.

说起皮肤擦痛,对于很多女生而言,衣服把脖子磨痛都是小事,最讨厌的就是夏天穿裙子时大腿内侧擦痛擦伤,这在英语里就叫 inner thigh chafing 。

虽然这种擦伤并不是什么大的外伤,但犹如牙疼不是病疼起来要人命,一旦产生也是坐立难安,十分焦躁。从这个概念引申出发, chafe 还可以作为一个正式用语表示“恼火、生气、烦躁”,常用搭配为 chafe at/under sth ,多指因为受到某种限制或约束而感到恼怒和失去耐心,比如:

  • 他很快便因为处处受到限制而感到恼火,这最终以他辞职告终。
    He soon chafed at the restrictions of his situation, which finally culminated in his resignation.
  • 我们为繁文缛节而恼火已经很久了。
    We have been chafing under trivial formalities for too long.

衣服磨人是擦伤擦痛,那么反过来人磨衣服则是“磨损、磨坏”,这也可以用 chafe 表示,另外还可以用 chafe on/against sth 表示“摩擦”某物,比如:

  • 他在岩石上磨坏了鞋子,然后脚趾从鞋上的破洞里露出来。
    He chafed his shoes on the rocks and then his toes peeked through the hole on his shoes.
  • 一匹黑马在厩栏上擦着身子。
    A dark horse chafed against his stall.


  • In many firms a professional manager might chafe against the presence of a revered founder, but there are no such reports at Inditex.
  • So to those of you who chafe at “women’s rights” as political correctness run amok, think again.




  1. chafe against: 与…摩擦
  2. chafe on the skin: 皮肤擦伤
  3. chafe under pressure: 在压力下受到激怒
  4. chafe at restrictions: 对限制感到不满
  5. chafe at criticism: 对批评感到愤怒
  6. chafe with impatience: 急不可耐地不满
  7. chafe under the collar: 闷气
  8. chafe from friction: 因摩擦而擦伤
  9. chafe under control: 在控制下保持不激怒
  10. chafe at delays: 对延误感到恼火
  11. chafe against authority: 对权威表示不满
  12. chafe against regulations: 对规定感到不满
  13. chafe under criticism: 在批评下受到激怒
  14. chafe from the rope: 由绳子摩擦而擦伤
  15. chafe against the norm: 与常规摩擦
  16. chafe under stress: 在压力下受激怒
  17. chafe at restrictions: 对限制感到愤怒
  18. chafe at injustice: 对不公感到愤怒
  19. chafe under scrutiny: 在审查下受激怒
  20. chafe with irritation: 因烦躁而磨损
  21. chafe against the rules: 违反规则
  22. chafe from constant use: 因频繁使用而擦伤
  23. chafe at the limitations: 对限制感到不满
  24. chafe with impatience: 急不可耐地不满
  25. chafe against the system: 对体制产生不满
  26. chafe from friction: 因摩擦而受损
  27. chafe under pressure: 在压力下感到愤怒
  28. chafe at the injustice: 对不公感到不满
  29. chafe against the norm: 与标准摩擦
  30. chafe under scrutiny: 在审查下感到不满
  31. chafe with irritation: 因烦躁而受损
  32. chafe from constant use: 因频繁使用而受损
  33. chafe at the limitations: 对限制感到恼火
  34. chafe against the system: 对体制产生不满
  35. chafe under pressure: 在压力下受激怒
  36. chafe at the injustice: 对不公感到愤怒
  37. chafe against the norm: 与标准产生冲突
  38. chafe under scrutiny: 在审查下不满
  39. chafe with irritation: 因烦躁而磨损
  40. chafe from constant use: 因频繁使用而受损
  41. chafe at the limitations: 对限制感到不满
  42. chafe against the system: 对体制产生抵触
  43. chafe under pressure: 在压力下受激怒
  44. chafe at the injustice: 对不公感到愤怒
  45. chafe against the norm: 与标准不合
  46. chafe under scrutiny: 在审查下受激怒
  47. chafe with irritation: 因烦躁而磨损
  48. chafe from constant use: 因频繁使用而受损
  49. chafe at the limitations: 对限制感到恼火
  50. chafe against the system: 对体制感到不满


abrade: scrape or wear away by friction or erosion
graze: scrape and break the surface of the skin of (a part of the body)
gall: make sore by rubbing

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
