
caucus (KAW kus) Today, this noun refers to a political group that is part of a larger group. This small group may select delegates, pledge support for candidates, or recommend policy for the larger group. Let’s hope everybody is sober while deliberating, for in Medieval Latin, a “caucus” was a drinking vessel!

  • The Women’s Caucus of the university faculty group has been instrumental over the past twenty-five years in making everyone more aware of gender inequities left over from the all-male years in the university’s past.
  • Because the Iowa Democratic Caucus is the first test of voter sentiment, it has assumed an importance that is out of proportion to the number of votes cast.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 在过去的25年里,大学教师团体的妇女核心小组发挥了重要作用,使每个人都更加意识到大学过去全男性时代遗留下来的性别不平等
  • 由于爱荷华州民主党核心小组是对选民情绪的第一次测试,它的重要性与投票数量不成比例

