

基督教大分裂后,以罗马为中心的西部教会自称为“罗马公教会”( The Roman Catholic Church ),其中的 catholic 是“普遍的,一般的”的意思,表示他们才是惟一真正的普世教会。罗马公教会于16世纪传入中国后,因其信徒将所崇奉的神称为”天主”,因而在中国被称为天主教。

天主教标榜“普世性”( catholic ),所以宗教仪式相对简单,入教门槛较低,所以教众规模和分布范围远远超过东正教。

  • catholic: [‘kæθlɪk] adj. 普遍的,天主教的 n. 天主教,天主教徒
  • catholicism: [kə’θɔlisizəm] n. 天主教,天主教义
  • catholicon: [kə’θɒlɪkən] n. 灵丹妙药,万灵药


catholic (KATH lik) With a lower case “c,” this adjective has nothing to do with religion. It means “comprehensive” or “of broad scope” and comes from the Old French word for “universal.”

  • “We are hoping Carolyn Blink’s new novel will have a catholic appeal since it is about finding love and doing meaningful work,” said the publisher. “Everybody is interested in that.”
  • The topics for the school’s weekly chapel talks are meant to be catholic in scope, covering any issues that are of interest to the student body, whether they are intellectual, spiritual, or emotional.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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天主教的(KATH lik)这个形容词小写“c”,与宗教无关。它的意思是“全面的”或“范围广泛的”,来自古法语中的“普遍的”

  • 出版商表示:“我们希望卡罗琳·布林克的新小说能有天主教的吸引力,因为它是关于寻找爱情和做有意义的工作。”。“每个人都对此感兴趣。”
  • 学校每周礼拜堂演讲的主题是天主教的,涵盖学生群体感兴趣的任何问题,无论是智力、精神还是情感问题

