嘿 镰刀 回答
Hey, Jackknife, come in.
-嗯 -你知道吗
-Yeah. -You know somethin’?

I really don’t wanna do this robbery.
-你知道 -伙计我也不想
-You know? -Man, neither do I.
-你想我过你哪儿去吗 -保持通话
-Do you wanf me to come up there? -Keep this line clear at all times.
嘿 猎鸟狗 有什么情况吗
Come on. Any activity, Bird Dog?
没有 一切正常
Negatory. We’re all clear.
好 也应该正常
Good. lf’s supposed to be.
I got a pretfy spectacular view from up here.
I can see the whole city from the east side all fhe way to the west side.
安东尼 电梯动了
Anthony, the elevator’s moving.
-谁在上面 -不知道
-Who’s on the elevator? -I don’t know.
去看看 是
Well, check it! It’s moving right now!
鲍勃 你在干嘛
Bob, what are you doing?
-我的对讲机出了问题 -我看看
-My walkie-talkie busted. -Give it to me!
-你把它摔地上了 来 -没摔啊
-Did you drop it? Come on! -No, I didn’t drop it!
You’re supposed to be on the loading dock!
你下去 我在那儿一个人受够了
You go down there. I’m by myself down there!
-快 -怎么了
-Move it! -What’s going on?
是鲍勃 他把他的对讲机摔坏了
It was Bob. He dropped his walkie-talkie.
谁守着门 去盯住那个位置 混球
Who’s watching the door? Get back in position, assholes!
苹果白兰地 说话 怎么回事儿
Applejack, talk to me. What’s going on?
Somebody’s coming out of there.
-看 -我的主
-Look! -Jesus Christ!
别动 伙计们
Hold it right there, guys!
-别动 -过这边来
-Freeze! -Come this way.
来 靠着墙 来
Come here! Up against this wall! Come here!
紧贴着墙 快
Up against this wall! Move!
-快 -这儿
-Move! -Right here!
-看着天花板 -背靠着墙
-Just look at the ceiling. -Up against the wall!
-你们在这儿干嘛 -上班
-What are you doing here? -We work here!
-你们这时候总是去吃午饭了 -不总是
-You’re always at lunch now! -Not always.
总是 好吧 让我想想
Yes, always! Okay, let me think.
马上 上帝
Hold on! Jesus!
-你他娘在这儿干嘛 -伙计 我的对讲机坏了
-What the hell are you doing here? -My walkie-talkie broke, man.
-还有两分钟 -好
-Two minutes. -Good.
Put on your masks!
他们已经看到我们长什么样子了 迪格南
They’ve already seen our faces, Dignan!
Put on your masks!
猪头 出状况了 你坐那儿干嘛
Kumar, we’ve got problems. What are you doing sitting down?
-我试过了 取不出来 -你取不出来
-I tried. I could not get it. -You can’t get it?
-取不出来 -拜托 伙计
-No, I could not do it. -Come on, man!
鲍勃 戴上面具行吗
Bob, will you please put the mask on.
-或者转开脸 -戴不上去
-Or turn away. -I can’t get it on!
迪格南 怎么回事儿
Dignan, what’s goin’ on?
-猪头哪去了 -算了吧 放弃算了
-Where’s Kumar? -Forget it, then. Just forget it!
你打不开 因为你从来就不知道怎么打开
You can’t do it, because you never knew how in the first place!
You are totally lost out here!
-你们在这儿干嘛 -别动
-What are you guys doin’ here? -Hold it!
-这些人是谁 -老天
-Who are these guys? -Jesus!
-老天 鲍勃 这他妈 -把枪放下 强人
-Jesus, Bob! What the hell…? -Put it down, big guy!
-你怎么搞的 -我啥都没做
-What is your problem? -I didn’t do anything!
-你还好吧 -你打中他了
-Are you okay? -Did you shoot him?
不是 他肯定是心脏病发作了
He must be having a heart attack or something!
放烟雾弹 我们走
Drop your smoke. Let’s go!
Come on!
Check his pulse!
-检查他的心律 -上电梯
-Check his pulse! -Get to the elevator!
-我看不清 -轻点儿
-I can’t see. -A little more!
I can’t believe this!
-我没打中他 -他心脏不好 伙计
-I didn’t shoot him. -He’s got a bum ticker, man!
坚持住 伙计 坚持住
Hang in there, man. Hang in there.
稳住 来 让他这样靠着
Prop him up. Come on. Get him up there.
-来 这样子 伙计 -他看起来糟透了
-Get up. Come on, man. -He don’t look good.
-什么声音 -保持镇定 别动
-What is this? -Stay calm. Stay where you are.
-谁拉了警报 -那是火警
-Who tripped the alarm, man? -It’s the fire alarm!
-谁拉了火警 -因为他奶奶的烟雾弹
-Who tripped the fire alarm? -It’s because of all this fuckin’ smoke!
Where’s Kumar?
-我们下去 走 -我把事情玩砸了
-We’re going down. Let’s go! -Man, I blew it.
-玩砸了 伙计 -你在冷库做什么
-I blew it, man. -What were you doing in the freezer?
没干啥 我和你们联♥系♥不上了
I don’t know. I lose my touch, man.
你怎么联♥系♥我们 伙计
Did you ever have a touch to lose, man?
What were you doing in there?
Let’s go!
-等等猪头 -猪头快点儿
-Wait for Kumar. -Come on, Kumar!
速度啊 猪头
Hurry up, Kumar!
-开门 -开不开 锁上了
-Open your door. -I can’t. It’s locked.
-开门 -快
-Open that door! -Move!
-电梯坏了 -什么
-The elevator broke. -What?
-苹果白兰地哪去了 -他被困在二楼了
-Where’s Applejack? -He’s stuck on the second floor!
-在楼层间 -他给你车钥匙了吗
-Between floors up there. -Did he give you the keys?
-苹果白兰地是司机啊 -怎么回事儿
-Applejack drove. -What happened?
-不知道 -快跑
-I don’t know. -Run!

-你不是计划得好好的吗 -我不知道 快走
-What the hell happened to the plan? -I don’t know. Come on.
-我到鲍勃家跟你会合 -嗯
-I’ll meet you at Bob’s. Go! -What?
-我得把苹果白兰地救出来 -不 别回去了
-I gotta get Applejack. -No, you’re not.
-我得回去 -别
-Yeah, I am. -No!
-我这次得单干了 亲爱的 -好吧 迪格南…
-I gotta fly solo on this, baby. -Okay, Dignan…
-我没时间争论 -我也没时间
-I don’t have time to argue now! -I don’t have time either!
你快回鲍勃那儿吧 快去
Now, you get back to Bob’s! Just go!
Who is in charge here?
你 你这呆瓜 快走
You are, you dumb son of a bitch! Now, please leave!
Give me this one.
You gotta give me this one.
迪格南 你知道你回去后会怎样
Dignan, you know what’s gonna happen if you go back there.
No, I don’t.
他们逮不到我的 伙计…
They’ll never catch me, man…
’cause I’m fuckin’ innocent.
进去 集中注意呼吸
Get in here. Concentrate on your breathing.
You gotta get oxygen to your heart.
我没钥匙 开门
I haven’t got the keys. Unlock the door!
别动 别动
Freeze! Don’t move!
-举起手来 放在车上 -举起手来 快
-Put your hands on the car! -Put your hands up! Now!
Drop the gun!
-别动 -放下枪
-Freeze! -Drop it!
Drop the gun!
Drop the gun!
鲍勃 他在那儿
Bob, there he is.
一个月下来 还有23天
One month down, twenty-three to go.
不管怎么说 我告诉地方法♥院♥检查官
Anyway, I said to the D. A:
“That cop who hit me must have given me C.R.S. disease.”
-失忆症 -检查官问的正是这个
-What’s that? -That’s just what the D.A. asked.
C.R.S. is a disease where you can’t remember shit.
-就像健忘症 -对
-Like amnesia. -Right.
C.R.S. “Can’t remember shit.” C.R.S.
-告诉亨利先生这是我说的 -好的
-Tell Mr. Henry I said that. -Okay.
那 亨利先生回来探望我吗
So is Mr. Henry gonna come by and see me or what?
I don’t think so.
He actually robbed Bob’s house.
-你在说笑 -是真的
-You’re kidding? -No, I’m not.
I can’t believe that.
I almost robbed that place myself.
You think Applejack knew?
We haven’t heard from Applejack since he got out of the hospital.
His case got dismissed.
-嗯 为什么 -不清楚
-What? Why? -We’re not sure.
We think Mr. Henry had something to do with it.
