好吧 我去跟经理说一声 等会儿 站在这儿
Well, let me check with my manager. Hold on one second. Just stand inside.
嘿 不好意思 先生 我们打烊了
Hey, excuse me, sir. We’re closed.
-这家伙怎么了 -我把毛衣拉下了
-Oh. What about that guy? -I left my sweater in here.
-他把毛衣拉下了 -是吗 我把钱拉下了
-He forgot his sweater. -Oh, yeah? I left some money in there.
-钱 在哪儿 -在收银台里 退后
-Money? Where? -In the cash register. Step back.
人呢 其他人呢
Stockers! Where are the other stockers?
谁 罗比 他可能在图书室 那是他的管区
Who? Robbie? He might be in Literature. That’s his section.
这是经理吗 谁在那儿 出来
Hey, is that the manager? Who is that? Come here!
-我去通道里 -出什么事儿了
-I’m gonna go down this aisle. -What’s going on here?
-我要你俩上那儿去 -好吧
-I’m sending you both back there. -All right!
Come on, move!
好了 坐下 对着墙
Okay, sit down! Get up against the wall!
这儿有什么 钱在哪儿 说话啊
What’s in here? Where’s the money? Talk, stretch!
It’s in the drawer.
好 快 开抽屉
Okay, there it is. Come on, open up that drawer.
-不 不是这个 -另一个
-No, it’s not. -The other one!
有钱 好
There’s the money. Okay.
放进袋子里 把袋子拿过来
Put it in one of those bags. Get one of those bags.
动作快点 大袋子 你这脑残
Let’s move! Come on! A bigger one, you idiot!
别叫我脑残 你这个朋克男
Don’t call me an idiot, you punk.
你有装图册或字典的大袋子吗 先生
Do you have bigger bags for atlases or dictionaries, sir?
-罗比 -嗷
-Robbie? -Uh-huh.
Aren’t you supposed to be in literature?
-那儿没空间了 -他们要你现在去办公室
-It’s all full up. -They need you in the office right now.
把钱放进小袋子里 我们只好用很多袋子了
Put the money in the little bags. We’ll just use a lot of them.
快 尽你所能地快
Quickly. Just do your best.
Why do you wear that tape on your nose?
小袋子 伙计
Little bags, man.
好了 都听着…我要你们都站着别动
Okay, everybody… I want everybody to just sit tight.
好了 多谢
Okay. Thank you so much.
成功了 绝对成功 我们回鲍勃家
Success! Full success! We’re heading back to Bob’s.
我们要上路准备逃亡了 走
We’re gonna hit the road and go on the lam! Go!
好 携赃出逃前 我只说一件事
Okay now, before we divide the loot, let me say one thing.
鲍勃 从这票里得到了”精神嘉奖”
Bob gets the “Spirit Award” on this caper.
And although his share won’t be as equal as ours…
-啥 你说…-过来 鲍勃
-What? What are you… -Come here, Bob.
你看到他给我使眼色了吗 别出♥卖♥♥♥他
Did you see the look he gave me? Don’t double-cross this guy.
干得好 你们俩 卡嚓 卡嚓
Great work, both of you. Clink, clink.
那么 迪格南 接下来干嘛
So, Dignan, what’s next?
Do we meet the crew after we go on the lam or what?
Everybody wants to know what’s next.
May I enjoy this moment?
What crew?
Now is not a good time to bring up the crew.
Goddamn it.
你这杂种 你想撇掉我
Ya son of a bitch! You’re gonna cut me out!
等等 鲍勃 没人想撇掉谁
Wait a second, Bob. Nobody’s cutting anybody out of anything.
-给你看看这个 -别
-Let me show you this. -Whoa.
Bob should see this.
鲍勃 我有东西给你看
Bob, I got something.
-这是啥 -大部队
-What’s this supposed to be? -That’s the crew.
这是亨利先生 他是…我知道
That’s Mr. Henry. He’s a… I know.
安东尼 那是草坪上的人…
Anthony, that’s the Lawn Wranglers…
迪格南 以前工作的那个园林公♥司♥
the landscape company that Dignan here used to work for.
什么 园林
What do you mean, landscaping?
我是指修草坪 修整树丛…园林公♥司♥
I mean push the mower, trim the hedge… landscaping.
-园林公♥司♥ -园林公♥司♥
-Landscaping? -Landscaping.
是的 他们是搞园艺的 懂吗
Yes, they’re landscapers, okay?
是的 他们是搞园艺的
Yes, they’re landscapers.
But did it ever occur to you that a landscaping crew…
is a perfect front for an operation?
看着 你看过照片了
Look at this. You’ve seen this picture.
这是亨利先生 除了修草坪外…
That is Mr. Henry, and aside from owning the Lawn Wranglers…
he is a very talented thief.
Then why aren’t you over there right now?
Because we’re fugitives.
And also because he fired me.
Best job I ever had…
努力工作 努力社交…
working my way up, meeting people…
listening to stories.
一天他走过来说”迪格南 你被炒了” 就是这样
One day he walks over and says, “Dignan, you’re out,” just like that.
另外 伙计 他说的对
By the way, man, he was right.
Just because it’s a front doesn’t mean somebody doesn’t have to do landscaping.
But those days are over now.
Just a matter of time before I pick up the phone and say…
“亨利先生 我回来了”只是个时间问题
“Mr. H., we are coming home.”
所以别担心你的前途 因为我在想
So don’t worry about your future, man, because I am thinking.
如果你不介意 别跟鲍勃…
If you don’t mind, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mention…
to Bob about me getting fired.
I won’t.
On the run from Johnny Law.
It ain’t no trip to Cleveland.
I love it!
And another one for me!
鲍比 给你的
Bobby, one for you!
安东尼 远离火
Anthony, fire away!
谁递给我个 我要把它扔出窗户 樱桃炸♥弹♥
Somebody hand me one! I’m gonna throw it out the window! Cherry bomb!
Did you hear that?
迪格南 我不指望你和我一样阴郁…
Dignan, I don’t expect you to be as depressed as I am…
但我认为…看着点儿路 鲍勃
but I don’t think… Watch the road, Bob.
But I don’t think that your happiness is quite appropriate.
我是说 你的75年计划没怎么起作用
I mean, your 75-year plan does not seem to be working, you know?
The only thing I’ve learned so far is that crime does not pay.
老天 伙计 这可不是世上最好的态度
Gee, man, that’s not the greatest attitude in the world to have.
我认为抱怨不起作用 伙计们
I don’t think we get anywhere by complaining, guys.
好吧 你说的对
Okay. You’re right.
There we go.
Perfect little place to lie low.
We’II get in touch with Mr. Henry.
I’ll get the best room in the house.
Crime does pay.
我没法理发 那不可能 是吧
I can’t get my hair cut. That’s just no possible, all right?
你要把头发染红 伙计 因为我们得隐藏身份
You’re gonna have to dye it red, man, ’cause we need to hide our identities.
不 很抱歉 我不能那样做
No, I’m sorry. I can’t do that either.
Even if it’s the difference between some trooper throwing us in jail or not?
I guess so.
那么 我亲爱的你 就是个该死的傻蛋
Then you, my dear friend, are a damn fool.
走吧 鲍勃 快 鲍勃 走吧
Let’s go, Bob. Come on. Bob, let’s go!
-回见 -回见 鲍勃
-See you. -See you later, Bob.
A damn fool!
-不好意思 -没事 进来
-Excuse me. -No, it’s okay. Come on in.
哦 不好意思
Oh, excuse me.
老天 太好了
Gee, it’s great
how you’re able to bring a room to life like this…
with just a little touch.
天啊 这…这天气真好 不是吗
Geez, it’s… It’s nice out today, isn’t it?
老天 让门开着能吹到美好的微风
Boy, you get a nice breeze with that door open like this.
It was kind of stuffy in here.
你自己收拾这儿所有的房♥间吗 所有的…
Do you do all of these rooms yourself? All of these…
我是安东尼 安东尼
I’m Anthony. Anthony.
What’s your name?
-伊内兹 -伊内兹 这…唔哇嗷
-Inez. -Inez. That’s… Wow.
哦 不好意思
Oh. Sorry.
Sorry this is such a mess here.
Here, let me give you a hand with this.
I think I might’ve seen you earlier when I was swimming.
你看到我了吗 在泳池边
Did you happen to see me there? By the pool?
是啊 那是我
Yeah, that was me.
You speak English?
