That’s a bitch!
Shoot them. Fucking shoot them.
杀了他们 杀了他们
They shot me. They got me, man. Yo!
他们打到我了 他们打中我了 伙计
Got you.
Oh, shit! Motherfucker!
哦 混♥蛋♥ 该死混♥蛋♥
They killed the boy!
They kill me!
They’re killing everybody!
My eyes!
I’m gonna kill you, motherfucker!
我会杀了你的 混♥蛋♥
Come. Come kill me, motherfucker.
来 过来杀我吧 你这混♥蛋♥
Come. You don’t take me alive.
来吧 你别想活捉我
You got three seconds to drop your weapon!
I got a present for you!
A nice present for you! One!
一份不错的礼物 一
Two! I’m gonna kill you.
二 我会杀了你
Don’t shoot. Don’t shoot, man. Don’t kill me.
别开枪 别开枪 伙计 别杀我
Bullets and all Excuse me. You all right, man?
子弹和所有 原谅我 你没事吧 伙计?
Apologize to that man. Apologize to that man.
向那位先生道歉 向那位先生道歉
Apologize! Apologize.
道歉 快
Hey, listen, I owe you…
嗨 听着 我欠你
It’s just that, you know, you was disrespect…
是这样 你那么无礼
But that don’t mean it give me the right, though. It don’t.
可那不意味着 我就因此拥有权利 我没有
Excuse me. Whoosah. Whoosah.
Whoosah, motherfucker!
See, the interesting thing is he’s the one of us that’s not pissed off.
看 有趣的是 他却是我们中唯一没发脾气的
I don’t know nothing. I didn’t ask you no question yet!
我什么也不知道 我也还什么都没问你呢
I don’t know nothing. Lying already?
我什么都不知道 已经开始撒慌了?
No, get… How did you know about the drop?
不 你对送货知道多少?
I don’t know nothing! Stop lying!
我什么都不知道 别再撒谎了
Do you know anything?
I’m gonna be nice about it. Do you know anything?
我会好好来问的 你知道些什么?
Let’s ask some other suspects.
Hey, look, man, fuck it.
嗨 看啊 伙计 我靠
Let’s try this. Let’s talk to his homeys.
让我们试试这个 让我们和他的老乡们聊聊
Hey, look here, man.
嗨 看看这儿 伙计
Can you tell me who was driving the black Suburban?
你能告诉我 是谁开的那辆黑色的雪佛兰Suburban吗?
Oh, he don’t know nothing.
哦 他什么都不知道
His brains is under the end table.
He can’t tell us shit, Mike.
他什么都没法告诉我们 迈克
He’s all fucked up. What’s your point?
他全搞砸了 你什么意思?
Dead suspects can’t say shit.
It seems like live suspects don’t say shit either, so I’ll hot this dude here.
看起来活着的也什么都不说 那我只能把这哥们儿解决了
Save us the paperwork. I don’t know nothing!
还能把收监手续都免了 我什么都不知道
I don’t do motherfucking surveillance, man. He do surveillance.
我可该死的不是做什么监视的工作的 是他做的
He don’t let nobody touch his camera.
What’s on that camera? Trigger Mike strikes again.
那录影机里有什么? 枪手迈克 行动又开始了
Hi, welcome to Phat’s. How can I help you?
嗨 欢迎来派特音像店 有什么可以效劳的吗?
Miami PD. Whoa. Cops. I love that show.
迈阿密警♥察♥ 哇 警♥察♥啊 我喜欢那场表演
We need to see what’s on this video. Absolutely.
我们必须看看这录影带里有什么 当然可以
You got a little bullet hole in there. You guys tell me about it?
那里有个小弹孔 你们能告诉我那是怎么回事吗?
Guess not. We’ll put this in our central floor model.
我猜不行 我会把这个放在 我们的测试机器里
It has kick- ass bass. You like hip-hop? I love it.
它的低音很强劲 你喜欢嘻哈音乐吗?我可很喜欢
We freestyle in the break room.
If you guys ever want to kick it, we’ll flow.
你们会玩什么动作 我们都能模仿出来
We’re gonna set you up on the wide-screen. Correct ratio.
投到宽银幕上 比例正确
There you go.
好了 开始了
Spanish Palms Mortuary.
Why would they be doing surveillance at a funeral home?
Is that a Cuban flag?
Right there. See the gun?
那里 看见那枪了吗?
Never knew guards at funeral homes needed to carry them kind of weapons.
It just seems like we should turn it off…
because my dad owns the store.
She got a tongue ring.
This is like a porno. We’re not… Dude. Dude.
像个色情录影带 我们不 伙计 伙计
All right? Yeah.
行吗? 好吧
Okay. Okay.
很好 很好
It’s just, you know, my dad’s gonna be…
只是 你知道 我的老爸就要
I just need to… I think I…
我必须 我想我
I think I screwed this up. Relax.
我想我把这事搞砸了 放松点
My dad’s gonna… This is like a porno. Oh, yeah. I want more.
我老爸会 这像个色情电影 哦 我还要
Okay. This is official police business.
好的 我们在执行公务
What the fuck’s going on here? Out of my way.
这里该死的是怎么回事? 让开
My dad is coming. My dad is coming.
我老爸来了 我老爸来了
What the hell is going on in my store?
Son, how did this porno crap get on my videos in my store?!
儿子 这出现在我店里的 色情垃圾是怎么回事
What the hell is going on in here?!
You all right? No, I’m not all right, Mike.
你还好吗? 不 我感觉不太好 迈克
Three days of this shit. Got my nerves all rattled.
这破事儿已经缠了我三天了 我的神经都出毛病了
My ass still hurts…
from what you did to it the other night.
Oh, my Lord.
哦 我的上帝
Yeah, it got rough.
是的 越来越糟糕了
You know?
I mean, we got caught up in the moment, shit got crazy.
我的意思是 我们正巧碰上这些破事儿 事情变得不可收拾
You know how I get.
When you popped me from behind, I think you damaged some nerves.
当你在后面给了我一下 我想你伤到了我的一些神经
Now, I can’t…
现在 我不能
I can’t. Now, I can’t…
我不能 现在 我不能
Can’t what? I can’t even get an erection.
不能什么? 我甚至不能勃起了
What’s an erection?
I tried taking Viagra, you know, pop one, pop two.
我尝试过服用伟哥 你知道 一颗 两颗
Been eating them like Skittles.
That poor man is pouring out his heart.
And I’m still flaccid.
Okay. I’m comfortable talking to you…
好吧 我很高兴能和你聊
It’s got 5.1 Dolby.
这是杜比 5.1 声道的
about what I did to your ass…
but you not getting an erection…
that’s a reaI problem for me.
I just figured I could talk to you. Yeah. No, no.
我只是觉得也许可以和你谈谈这事 是的 哦 不不
We’re… We partners, but we are partners with boundaries.
我们是 我们是拍档 可我们还得保持适当的距离
We got a new rule.
From now on you can’t say the word “flaccid” to me.
从现在起 你不能对我说”疲软”这个词
He’s a mean fuck.
Look here. This is our little boundary box.
看这儿 这是我们的禁语盒子
So we gonna take the word “flaccid”…
and we’re gonna put it in there with my mom’s titties…
我们要把它 和我老妈的”奶”都放进去
with your erection problems, and we’re gonna close this box…
还有你的勃起问题 然后我们要把这盒子关上
and we’re gonna throw this bitch in the ocean.
And the only way that you can get to this box…
is you got to be motherfucking Jacques Cousteau.
We cool?
Oh, shit.
哦 该死
We gotta go.
In front of my babies
you got porno and homo shows up in here?
What kind of freak-ass store is this?
And you two motherfuckers need Jesus.
你们这两个变♥态♥ 需要上帝来拯救你们
Cover your ears, baby.
把耳朵掩上 孩子们
Palm Mortuary, owned by an offshore holding company…
棕榈殡仪馆 属于一家离岸控股公♥司♥
which, after 17 layers of bullshit…
turns out to be registered to Donna Maria Tapia…
它转到了 唐娜·玛利亚·塔皮亚的名下
mother of Hector Juan Carlos Tapia, who calls himself Johnny.
她儿子叫胡安·卡洛斯·塔皮亚 他称自己为强尼
Johnny Tapia. Shit.
强尼·塔皮亚 该死
Every time the PD goes after him…
he sues for wrongful arrest. And, oh, does he win.
他都会反过来指控警员非法拘禁 并且 每次他都赢了
