因为 首先他们互相敬重
there was a tremendous amount of mutual respect.
流行音乐史上也没有像 Quincy这样的人物了
There is no-one in popular music history like Quincy,
玩过管弦乐 也是作曲人
as an orchestrator, as a composer.
他有着丰富的音乐经历 和Count Basie、Frank Sinatra、
Coming from all of his background, Count Basie,
Dinah Washington等音乐人的合作 在Lionel Hampton的乐队演奏小号♥
Frank Sinatra, Dinah Washington, playing trumpet in Lionel Hampton’s band.
The most beautiful part about the love affair, and that’s what it is,
the love affair between a producer, whatever you want to call it,
的确如此 制♥作♥人和
the person that’s on the other side,
a person that loves that artist enough to never want to see him in trouble,
我爱着那个艺人 不想看着他有烦恼
and only wants to see the best for that artist,
只想看到他顺顺利利 得到最好的结果
to come up with the best results,
is an incredible trust, where you can say,
我可以对他说 跳吧 Michael 那里没有降落伞 没有弹力网
“Jump, Michael, there’s no parachute, there’s no net,
什么都没有 34楼那么高 跳吧
“there’s nothing there, there’s 34 stories down, jump.”
One of the great things about Quincy is that he has this ability
他有那种 能把所有不同风格
of mixing all kinds of different genres
and personalities into one beautiful blend.
因为他只选用最好的 极品音乐家团队
Because he only uses the best, the creme de la creme of musicians.
Working with Quincy was like being at school.
I learned so much about separation,
in trying to make a record where everyone,
就像他常说的 “大家不能一起来”
he used to say, “Everybody can’t come in the door at the same time.”
And he used to always say, “You can’t polish doo-doo.”
孺子不可教也 就是说 歌♥曲必须一开始就精彩绝伦
You can’t polish doo-doo. You know, you’ve got to have a great song at the beginning.
一天结束后 我起了鸡皮疙瘩
When we look at the end of a day and I have goosebumps,
Michael和录音师Bruce Swedien 也起满了鸡皮疙瘩
and Michael has goosebumps and Bruce Swedien, the engineer, has goosebumps,
then I think we’ve got something special.
And Quincy just puts his little fairy dust over it
打上了Quincy Jones的标签 就像他说的
and it’s a Quincy Jones project and it’s kind of, as he says,
“给上帝留点地方 好让他施魔法”
“Leave space for God to walk through the door and create some magic.”
Michael Jackson创造了香槟音乐
Michael Jackson had been into champagne music.
就是在圣特罗佩 你点了杯香槟 (法国度假胜地)
You know how in St Tropez when you order champagne
打开香槟 酒喷出来时的激动 Michael在20年前就预见了 还给它配了乐
they bring the sparklers out with the champagne? Michael saw that 20 years ago ahead and made a sound.
和Quincy一起 Michael Jackson创造了天籁
Michael Jackson made the sound of fabulous. Him and Quincy.
And Michael was one of those sources of energy where he brought so much,
他既能创作 又能融合
so much originality but also an amazing collaborator.
他很自律 他在灵魂与科学间
He’s so disciplined and he’s got that perfect balance
找到了完美的平衡 他知道如何发挥自己才能
of soul and science. He knows the working parts of his craft.
他凭着直觉 对自己的才能无比信任
And he has total trust in an intuitive part of his craft,
这就是那种平衡 理智与情感的平衡
and so that’s the balance. The head and heart.
Off The Wall Thriller Bad
Off The Wall, Thriller, Bad.
像三股龙♥卷♥风♥ 席卷全球
They created three hurricanes that basically went through the globe
像三股龙♥卷♥风♥ 席卷全球
They created three hurricanes that basically went through the globe
and everybody got caught up and danced.
Well, we’re here today to try to finish up a session
是Michael Jackson用 西班牙语和法语演唱
with Michael Jackson singing in Spanish and in French.
We’ve spoken about this for years and years,
制♥作♥Off The Wall和Thriller时就开始了
from when we were doing Off The Wall and we were doing Thriller,
but we never got around to it because by the time
因为我们一完成专辑 就要做迪斯科版本和音乐录音带等
we finished the album, we’d do disco versions and we’d do videos et cetera
我觉得在内心深处 我们都在质疑到底能不能实现
and I think inside we weren’t really sure whether we could make it work.
The one thing I didn’t think was possible
was just to do a translation of the song.
– 逐字翻译 是吗 – 是的
– Word for word, you mean, right? – Yes.
于是我说 “让先理解一下这首歌♥
So what I said was, “Let me understand the song
“and I’ll be as close as I can to what the song was about.”
♪ Tu me haces sentir
♪ Deseos de vivir
♪ Junto a ti por siemp’re
♪ Tu amor es mi suerte. ♪
再来一次 我想要耳机里的音乐再强一点
One more. I think I need more level in the phones,
like I’m drowning the track out.
It was a privilege for me to watch the way he performed
and the way he handled this.
He felt perhaps a bit vulnerable.
抱歉 继续吧 开始了
I’m sorry. You can continue. Here we go.
When you control the whole thing,
突然有一个人用不属于你的语言 指挥着你
all of a sudden now somebody’s telling you how to do something
in a language that is not yours, and so you are vulnerable.
And I made it my main effort to make him feel comfortable,
不能让他觉得我是在嘲笑他 因为这事本就不易
not to feel that I was in any way mocking him because it’s not easy.
据我所知 这是他第一说西班牙语
This is the first time he ever tried to do anything in Spanish that I know of.
I wanted Michael to sound like, you don’t know who that is.
The pronunciation was so good,
that…I was stunned.
♪ Y cuando no estas
♪ No hay felicidad. ♪
合唱 “Mi vida no es vida”
Both of them: “Mi vida no es vida.”
如果没有你 生活便毫无意义
My life is not a life. Si tu te vas, if you leave.
♪ Si tu te vas. ♪
Todo me amor eres tu 你是我全部的爱
Todo me amor eres tu – all my love, you are all my love.
♪ Todo mi amor eres tu. ♪
当人们发现Michael Jackson 用西班牙语唱了一首歌♥
When people found out that Michael Jackson had sung a song in Spanish,
they were very, very, very proud and happy.
Well, The Hayvenhurst studio is located in a guest house here
at the Jacksons’ property, at their home,
and the studio was used for recording demos
我帮助Michael录下他的想法 他的歌♥
and I worked with Michael recording and developing his ideas, his songs,
his arrangements, his productions for the Bad album.
Over a two, three year period of time,
it was just a non-stop work in progress.
The number of demos that we worked on for Bad was 60, maybe 65 demos.
When I received the demos, they were in really good shape at that time.
I guess I didn’t realise at the time but what we were doing
was we were forming the B team.
Quincy一直叫他那边是A组 他那边有录音师Bruce Swedian
Quincy always called his team the A-Team. His engineer, Bruce Swedien…
鼓手 John Robinson
John Robinson on drums…
– 编曲人 Jerry Hayes – 贝斯手 Nathan East
– ..arranger Jerry Hayes… – ..Nathan East on bass…
键盘手是 Greg Phillinganes
Keyboards would have been Greg Phillinganes.
我和Michael在这里 Hayvenhurst录音室
I started with Michael here at Hayvenhurst.
我们算是打头阵的了 成员有John Barnes
We were the kind of initial team which was John Barnes,
我 Michael Bill Bottrell 还有Chris Currell
myself, Michael, Bill Bottrell, Chris Currell.
And then at times other musicians would come in,
最大牌的应该是David Williams 不过他已经去世
most prominent would be David Williams, who is no longer with us.
And in some ways I think Michael kind of liked that vibe.
He kind of liked the vibe of, you know, having a little competition
to see who could come up with the best thing.
I think this is one of the things that he learned from his Motown days,
那是Berry Gordy的作风(Motown老板)
something he learned from Berry Gordy.
我们不是在制♥作♥样带 我们是在做专辑
We weren’t making demos, we were making records.
Anybody else would be perfectly happy
to accept a Michael demo as a finished record,
let me put it that way.
We would work every single day on creating individual sounds for songs
that were going to ultimately be on the record.
我们一遍一遍的录 用不同的调
We’d record them, re-record them, different keys,
不同节奏 不同的乐器
different speeds, different instrumentation,
and so that became kind of an experiment in how far can we push.
Michael说 知道吗 一切都从这个屋里开始
Michael would say, “You know, it starts in this very room.”
从这个屋里开始 最后传遍整个世界
And from this room it goes out and it spreads over the entire world.
It’s…quite an experience to be back here,
at Hayvenhurst studio,
just as it was when I last left it, almost 25 years ago.
我们刚到录音室的时候 也不知道能有什么成果
We never knew what we were going to do when we showed up.
Michael一有什么灵感 我们就跟进
If Michael was inspired, we followed it.
So this is Michael singing multiple harmony parts.
这是Michael的双重音轨 低中高音
This is Michael double-tracking, the mid, the low, the high parts.
There is actually ten tracks of Michael singing his own backgrounds on this song.
You can hear the difference in sound quality from being out here
in the music room, to walking into the bathroom.
Now this room was one of Michael’s favourite places
because of the nature of the surfaces in this room.
One of the things that we would do is we would record with the door to the shower open,
反射更强 早期反射更多
much more reflective, a lot of what we call early reflection,
