This space time continual?
我后来想 管他的
Well I figure. What the hell.
Well how far are you going?
大概30年以后 这个号♥码不错
-About 30 years. It’s a nice round number
记得去看我 我想我应该47岁
When you get there I’ll be 47.
I will
保重 你也一样
-Take care. You too.
好 再见 爱因斯坦
-All right.
回来的时候小心 会有点颠
Watch for that re-entry is a little bump in.
You bet.
What a nightmare.
要是保罗打来 告诉他我今天晚上要加班
I’ll be working till later tonight.
琳达 第一 我不是你的秘书
Linda I’m not your answering service…
第二 有一个叫贵格 还是奎格的打给你
…and somebody named Greg or Craig called you just a little while ago.
到底是哪一个 你那么多男朋友我哪记得
Which one was it? I can’t keep up with all of yours boyfriend.
What the hell is this?
What did you sleep with your clothe in last night?

Yeah. I…
大卫 你干嘛穿这样
Why are you in this Dave?
马帝 我一向都穿西装上班
I alway wear suit to the office.
你没事吧 没事
You alright? -Yeah!
I think we need a re-match.
干嘛? 你之前作弊 才没 早安
Why? Were you I’m cheating? -No.
爸 妈
Hello good morning! Mum Dad
Marty! -Did you hit your head?
You guy are great!
妈 你看起来好瘦
Mum you look so thin.
Well thank you Marty. George!
早安 睡虫
Good morning sleepinhead.
早安 大卫 早安 妈
– Good morning kids. ‘Morning.
对了 马帝 珍妮佛找你
Mum I almost forgot Jennifer Parker called.
我喜欢她 她满可爱的 你们晚上不是要出去
I’m sure like her Marty she’s such a sweet girl. Isn’t tonight the night the big date?
什么? 你说什么
What? What Ma?
你们不是计划了两个礼拜 今天晚上要去湖边
Aren’t you going to the lake tonight? You’ve been planning for the last two weeks.
妈 我们不是说过 我不可能去 车子撞烂了
Mum we been talk about this. How can I go to the lake… the car racked?
撞烂了 撞烂了? 什么时候撞烂的
When the hell did that happened.
我确定车子还好好的 为什么我最后才知道
Why am I not told? -I’m sure the car is fine.
你看 毕夫正在打蜡
There’s Biff out there waxing right now.
毕夫 确定你打了两层蜡 不是只有一层
Oh Biff I want to make sure I get two coated of wax this time Not just the one.
Just finishing the second coat now.
毕夫 别骗我
Now Biff don’t con me.
对不起 麦佛莱先生
I’m sorry Mr Mcfly.
我是说 我正要开始打第二层
I mean I’m starting on the second coat.
Biff what a character.
-Always try to get away with something.
We know Biff ever since high school
不过 要不是他
Although if isn’t for him
我们也不会谈恋爱 没错
-We would never falling in love
麦佛莱先生 收到一个包裹 嗨 马帝
Mr Mcfly Mr Mcfly It just arrived. Hi Marty!
I got some new books.
Oh honey
“星座之合” 你的第一本小说
you first novel.
就像我跟你说的 有志者事竟成
I told you if you put your mind to it you can acomplish anything
马帝 你的钥匙
Marty there your keys.
已经打好蜡 准备好了
It all waxed up ready for tonight
How about a ride Mister?
看到你实在太好了 让我看看你
Oh you such a sore eye Let me look at you
马帝 你表现得好像 我们一个礼拜没见面
Marty you’re acting like you haven’t seen me in a week.
I haven’t.
Are you okay?
It everything okay?
Oh yeah
Everything is great!
马帝 你一定要跟我回去
Marty! You got to come back with me.
回哪 回到未来
Where? Back to the future!
等一下 你在干嘛 我需要燃料
Wait a minute what are you doing Doc? I need fuse.
走吧 快上车
Quite quick get in the car.
不行 我才刚回来 珍妮佛也在这里
No no no Doc I just got here. Jennifer is here
We going to take the new truck for a spin.
带她一起去 这件事也跟她有关
Well bring her along. This concern her too.
等一下 你在说什么 到底未来发生了什么事
Wait a minute. What are you talking about what happened? What happened in the future?
我们变成大混♥蛋♥了吗? 不是你们
Have I become an asshole or something? No no no
你们两个都很好 是你们的小孩
Both you and Jennifer turn out fine It your kids Marty!
Something got to be done with your kids
最好退后一点 马路太短 我们没办法加速到88哩
Hey! Doc we better back up. We haven’t got enough road to go up 88.
马路? 我们去的地方不需要马路
Roads? Where we going we don’t need…
