
atavism (AT ah viz im) The best synonym for this noun is “throwback.” It means “the reappearance of a trait or a form of behavior in an organism after several generations of absence.” The adjective form is “atavistic.” It comes from the Latin word for “ancestor.”

  • Social Darwinists, who claimed that there were inferior races which displayed more primitive traits than other human beings, often relied on the concept of atavism to explain their theories.
  • “Those boys are so atavistic!” Julienne whispered to Maggie. “All they do is sit around, scratching their bellies and eating peanuts with their fingers. They’re like a bunch of apes.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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返祖主义(AT ah viz im)这个名词最好的同义词是“返祖”。它的意思是“一个有机体在几代人缺席后重新出现一种特征或一种行为形式。”形容词的形式是“返祖主义”。它来自拉丁语中“祖先”的意思

  • 社会达尔文主义者声称,有些劣等种族比其他人表现出更原始的特征,他们经常依靠返祖主义的概念来解释他们的理论
  • “那些男孩太返祖了!”Julienne低声对Maggie说。“它们所做的就是围坐在一起,挠肚子,用手指吃花生。它们就像一群猿。”

