
arable (AIR uh bul) If you want to add an authentic farming term to your vocabulary, here’s a good one. It describes land suitable for cultivation. Not related at all to “Arabs,” it derives from the Latin word for “plow.”

  • Leyla’s hopes of having a vegetable garden outside her kitchen door were not easily realized, for the hard-packed, sandy soil was not arable, and she is reluctant to spend the money required to replace it with topsoil.
  • “Twenty acres of arable land will be auctioned off on Saturday morning to the highest bidder.” Theola read the poster with growing interest. Could she persuade her city-born husband to join her in becoming a part-time farmer?

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • Leyla在厨房门外建一个菜园的希望并不容易实现,因为坚硬的沙质土壤是不可耕种的,她不愿意花必要的钱用表层土代替
  • “20英亩的耕地将于周六上午拍卖给出价最高的人。”Theola读到海报时越来越感兴趣。她能说服她在城市出生的丈夫和她一起成为一名兼职农民吗

