
ancillary (AN sill air ee) From the Latin for “maidservant,” this word was once used as a noun to mean “servant.” It is now used as an adjective to mean “of secondary importance” or, alternatively, “something that is auxiliary or helpful to something else,” such as a workbook is to a textbook.

  • “While you are in Paris,” said Catherine’s mother, “I’d like you to learn something about French art and architecture. Whether you actually learn to speak French is ancillary.”
  • On the first day of class, the teacher gave Catherine her art history textbook and several ancillary materials, including a collection of slides from the Louvre and a book about the French Impressionist painters.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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adjustive(AN sill air ee)这个词在拉丁语中是“女仆”的意思,曾经被用作名词来表示“仆人”。现在它被用作形容词来表示“次要的”,或者,“对其他事情有辅助或帮助的东西”,比如工作簿对教科书来说。

  • “你在巴黎的时候,”凯瑟琳的母亲说,“我想让你学习一些法国艺术和建筑。你是否真的学会说法语是次要的。”
  • 在上课的第一天,老师给了凯瑟琳她的艺术史课本和一些辅助材料,包括卢浮宫的幻灯片集和一本关于法国印象派画家的书

