
日升月落 夏蝉冬雪 更迭存在
别怕命运 百转千回 终会重来
雨漫淹成海 回忆长青苔
思念无埃 万千朝夕里 无改

看多少个春秋来回 守着年岁
悲伤中不停轮回 也不曾离开
远远的存在 爱若明月照山海
用一生 书写等待

盼多少次候鸟迁回 守着年岁
望断天涯终不悔 谁不曾替代
愿有天醒来 往事前尘被解开

多少沿途 看过的花 败了又开
也许离散 伏笔未来 终会流转
泪化作云彩 雨滴落心海
等到云开 天青一色染 将来
与你悠然世外 爱已过 千载

English #1 – Years of yearning

The sun rises and moon falls, summer cicadas and winter snows still exists
Don’t fear the fate, throughout thousands twists and turns, fate will have its way
The rain flooded into the sea, the memories grow old
Recalling the past for thousands of days and nights without any changes

Watching numerous springs and autumns back and forth, guarding through the years
Reincarnation in sorrow, yet never willing to leave
Staying far away, watching as tomorrow’s moon shines on the mountains and seas
Using my lifetime to write down my longing for you while waiting

Watching numerous times as birds migrating back and forth while guarding through the years
Looking at the ends of the world with no regrets, wouldn’t want to replace with anyone
If there will be a day where I wake up, all the troubles of the past has been unraveled
I shall finally confess to you with my heart

How many times have I seen the flowers wilted and bloom anew along the way
Maybe due to the separation foreshadowing the future, will everything finally go with the flow
Tears turn into clouds with its raindrops to fall into my heart
Waiting until the clouds scatter away and show the blue sky
The future with you outside the world, love you for a thousand years

Submitted by Haizeli

Author’s comments:
Chinese is my native language and I have been a fan of this drama ever since it came out. And these songs used in the drama was written with ancient style chinese that we can see in any historical C-dramas but it might be harder for a non native speaker to truly understand the meanings lying behind those beautiful words. Which is exactly why I had to translate this song myself for once.

English #2 – Yearning

The sun rises and the moon falls, summer cicadas and winter snows alternately exist Don’t be afraid of fate The rain flooded into the sea, the memories grow moss
I miss it for thousands of days without change

See how many spring and autumn back and forth, guarding the years
Reincarnation in sorrow, never leave
Existing far away, if the moon shines on the mountains and seas Write and wait for a lifetime

How many times do you hope that migratory birds will move back
Looking to the end of the world, no regrets, who has never replaced
May I wake up someday and the past dust will be unraveled
I will confess for you

How many flowers I have seen along the way have failed and bloomed
Maybe the separation, foreshadowing the future, will eventually circulate
Tears turn into clouds, raindrops fall into the sea of ​​hearts
Wait until the clouds open and the sky will be dyed in the future To be with you outside the world, love has passed for a thousand years

Submitted by Ashley Magdelena
