


  1. hurl vituperation at someone: 对某人发泄谩骂
  2. face a barrage of vituperation: 面对一连串的谩骂
  3. respond to vituperation with dignity: 以尊严回应谩骂
  4. a torrent of vituperation: 一连串的谩骂
  5. vituperation and insults: 谩骂和侮辱
  6. unleash a tirade of vituperation: 发起一场谩骂的长篇演讲
  7. drown in a sea of vituperation: 沉浸在一片谩骂之中
  8. endure relentless vituperation: 忍受不断的谩骂
  9. face public vituperation: 面对公众的谩骂
  10. heap vituperation on someone: 对某人大肆谩骂
  11. a campaign of vituperation: 一场谩骂运动
  12. subject to verbal vituperation: 遭受言语的谩骂
  13. respond calmly to vituperation: 平静地回应谩骂
  14. the sting of vituperation: 谩骂的刺痛
  15. face a barrage of criticism and vituperation: 面对连续的批评和谩骂
  16. endure personal attacks and vituperation: 忍受个人攻击和谩骂
  17. launch into a tirade of vituperation: 开始一场谩骂的长篇演说
  18. respond with measured words instead of vituperation: 用恰当的措辞回应,而非谩骂
  19. the relentless vituperation of the media: 媒体的不断谩骂
  20. bear the brunt of vituperation: 承受谩骂的主要冲击



vituperation (vye TOOP er ay shun) This noun also means “a sustained speech of harshly abusive language.” The emphasis here is more on abusing rather than on arguing or correcting. The adjective form is “vituperative.”

•After years of being called “a cow” and other nasty names, Muffy grew tired of her husband’s vituperation and decided to leave him.

•Judge Wilkinson grew tired of the prosecutor’s abusive style of cross-examination and warned, “If you continue with this vituperative behavior with the witnesses, I shall have you removed from the courtroom.”
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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vituperation(vye TOOP er ay shun)这个名词也意味着“一种持续的严厉辱骂的语言”。这里的重点更多的是辱骂,而不是争论或纠正。形容词的形式是“辱骂”

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
