


关于 “ululation“(尖声呼喊,悲鸣)的一些常用短语:

  1. Joyful ululation of celebration: 欢庆时的喜悦尖声呼喊
  2. ululation of grief and mourning: 悲痛和哀悼时的尖声呼喊
  3. ululation in traditional wedding ceremonies: 传统婚礼仪式中的尖声呼喊
  4. ululation as an expression of excitement: 尖声呼喊作为激动的表达
  5. ululation during cultural festivals: 文化节庆期间的尖声呼喊
  6. ululation as a form of vocal expression: 作为声音表达方式的尖声呼喊
  7. ululation to celebrate a victory: 庆祝胜利时的尖声呼喊
  8. ululation as a traditional African practice: 作为非洲传统习俗的尖声呼喊
  9. ululation as a part of ceremonial rituals: 作为仪式仪式的一部分的尖声呼喊
  10. ululation in religious ceremonies: 宗教仪式中的尖声呼喊
  11. ululation to express happiness and joy: 表达幸福和喜悦的尖声呼喊
  12. ululation during cultural performances: 文化演出中的尖声呼喊
  13. ululation to mark the beginning of an event: 标志着活动开始的尖声呼喊
  14. ululation as a traditional form of celebration: 作为传统庆祝形式的尖声呼喊
  15. ululation to express support and encouragement: 表达支持和鼓励的尖声呼喊
  16. ululation in traditional music and dance: 传统音乐和舞蹈中的尖声呼喊
  17. ululation as a cultural expression of emotions: 作为情感文化表达的尖声呼喊
  18. ululation during festive parades: 庆典游行期间的尖声呼喊
  19. ululation as a form of communication in certain cultures: 在某些文化中作为交流形式的尖声呼喊
  20. ululation to express sorrow and lamentation: 表达悲伤和哀悼的尖声呼喊
  21. ululation during traditional storytelling: 在传统讲故事中的尖声呼喊
  22. ululation to honor and pay tribute to someone: 向某人致敬和致意的尖声呼喊
  23. ululation as a cultural expression of unity: 作为团结的文化表达的尖声呼喊
  24. ululation in traditional rites of passage: 在传统的成人礼中的尖声呼喊
  25. ululation to express gratitude and appreciation: 表达感激和赞赏的尖声呼喊
  26. ululation during traditional healing ceremonies: 在传统疗愈仪式中的尖声呼喊
  27. ululation as a form of vocal celebration: 作为声音庆祝的尖声呼喊
  28. ululation during traditional wedding processions: 在传统婚礼游行中的尖声呼喊
  29. ululation to announce good news: 宣布好消息的尖声呼喊
  30. ululation as a cultural expression of strength and resilience: 作为力量和坚韧文化表达的尖声呼喊
  31. ululation in traditional storytelling gatherings: 在传统故事讲述聚会中的尖声呼喊
  32. ululation as a part of traditional dance performances: 作为传统舞蹈表演的一部分的尖声呼喊
  33. ululation during traditional fertility rituals: 在传统生育仪式中的尖声呼喊
  34. ululation to express pride and triumph: 表达自豪和胜利的尖声呼喊
  35. ululation during cultural competitions and games: 文化比赛和游戏期间的尖声呼喊
  36. ululation as a form of cultural expression at weddings: 作为婚礼文化表达形式的尖声呼喊
  37. ululation to invoke spiritual blessings: 唤起精神祝福的尖声呼喊
  38. ululation as a traditional form of greeting: 作为传统问候形式的尖声呼喊
  39. ululation in traditional drumming ceremonies: 在传统鼓乐仪式中的尖声呼喊
  40. ululation as a cultural expression of hope and optimism: 作为希望和乐观文化表达的尖声呼喊
  41. ululation during traditional initiation ceremonies: 在传统入门仪式中的尖声呼喊
  42. ululation to mark the end of a successful performance: 标志着成功表演结束的尖声呼喊
  43. ululation in traditional storytelling events: 在传统讲故事活动中的尖声呼喊
  44. ululation as a form of expression in cultural celebrations: 作为文化庆祝活动中的表达形式的尖声呼喊
  45. ululation during traditional religious processions: 在传统宗教游行中的尖声呼喊
  46. ululation as a cultural expression of love and happiness: 作为爱和幸福文化表达的尖声呼喊
  47. ululation to honor the bravery and courage of warriors: 向勇士的勇敢和勇气致敬的尖声呼喊
  48. ululation in traditional storytelling performances: 在传统故事讲述表演中的尖声呼喊
  49. ululation as a form of expression in cultural ceremonies: 作为文化仪式中的表达形式的尖声呼喊
  50. ululation to express enthusiasm and excitement: 表达热情和兴奋的尖声呼喊


ululation (ull yoo LAY shun) This noun comes to us from the Latin and means a “howl” or “wail of lamentation.” If you say it fast and loud, it sounds like what it means.

•When Marlowe arrived at the edge of the village, he could hear the ululations of the natives emerging from deep in the jungle and wondered if there had been a death among the tribesmen.

•As Tulik made her way through the smoke of the funeral pyre, she heard the ululations of the women who had gathered in mourning around the coffin of the village elder.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
ululation(ull yoo LAY shun)这个名词来自拉丁语,意思是“嚎叫”或“哀嚎”。如果你说得又快又大声,听起来就像它的意思。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
