



  1. bode well: 预示好兆头
  2. bode ill: 预示不祥
  3. bode trouble: 预示麻烦
  4. bode disaster: 预示灾难
  5. bode danger: 预示危险
  6. bode uncertainty: 预示不确定性
  7. bode success: 预示成功
  8. bode failure: 预示失败
  9. bode change: 预示变化
  10. bode progress: 预示进展
  11. bode prosperity: 预示繁荣
  12. bode adversity: 预示逆境
  13. bode hope: 预示希望
  14. bode peace: 预示和平
  15. bode harmony: 预示和谐
  16. bode unity: 预示团结
  17. bode conflict: 预示冲突
  18. bode resolution: 预示解决
  19. bode reconciliation: 预示和解
  20. bode agreement: 预示协议
  21. bode negotiation: 预示谈判
  22. bode compromise: 预示妥协
  23. bode collaboration: 预示合作
  24. bode innovation: 预示创新
  25. bode transformation: 预示转变
  26. bode opportunity: 预示机会
  27. bode challenge: 预示挑战
  28. bode growth: 预示增长
  29. bode expansion: 预示扩张
  30. bode development: 预示发展
  31. bode stagnation: 预示停滞
  32. bode uncertainty: 预示不确定性
  33. bode excitement: 预示兴奋
  34. bode anticipation: 预示期待
  35. bode surprise: 预示惊喜
  36. bode disappointment: 预示失望
  37. bode change: 预示变化
  38. bode progress: 预示进展
  39. bode success: 预示成功
  40. bode failure: 预示失败
  41. bode transformation: 预示转变
  42. bode growth: 预示增长
  43. bode opportunity: 预示机会
  44. bode challenge: 预示挑战
  45. bode uncertainty: 预示不确定性
  46. bode innovation: 预示创新
  47. bode excitement: 预示兴奋
  48. bode anticipation: 预示期待
  49. bode surprise: 预示惊喜
  50. bode disappointment: 预示失望


bode and forebode (for BODE) The one-syllable word is a verb referring to an omen, and the two-syllable repeats or intensifies that presentiment.

•Losing their best pitcher to injuries so early in the season doesn’t bode well for the Durham Bulls’s chance at the championship this year.

•A sense of foreboding pervaded Willard’s work on his graduate school applications; somehow down deep he may have known it was time to leave the haven of school, at least for a while.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
