


  1. bovine tuberculosis: 牛结核
  2. bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE): 牛海绵状脑病(疯牛病)
  3. bovine respiratory disease: 牛呼吸道疾病
  4. bovine viral diarrhea: 牛病毒性腹泻
  5. bovine mastitis: 牛乳房炎
  6. bovine brucellosis: 牛布鲁氏菌病
  7. bovine genetics: 牛遗传学
  8. bovine reproduction: 牛繁殖
  9. bovine growth hormone: 牛生长激素
  10. bovine colostrum: 牛初乳
  11. bovine feedlot: 牛饲养场
  12. bovine artificial insemination: 牛人工授精
  13. bovine rumen: 牛瘤胃
  14. bovine enteritis: 牛肠炎
  15. bovine embryo transfer: 牛胚胎移植
  16. bovine foot and mouth disease: 牛口蹄疫
  17. bovine vaccine: 牛疫苗
  18. bovine meat quality: 牛肉质量
  19. bovine musculoskeletal system: 牛肌肉骨骼系统
  20. bovine reproductive system: 牛生殖系统
  21. bovine digestive system: 牛消化系统
  22. bovine respiratory system: 牛呼吸系统
  23. bovine veterinary care: 牛兽医护理
  24. bovine welfare: 牛福利
  25. bovine gestation: 牛妊娠
  26. bovine castration: 牛阉割
  27. bovine dehorning: 牛去角
  28. bovine grazing: 牛放牧
  29. bovine market: 牛市场
  30. bovine production: 牛生产
  31. bovine industry: 牛业
  32. bovine genetics research: 牛遗传学研究
  33. bovine reproduction techniques: 牛繁殖技术
  34. bovine farming: 牛养殖
  35. bovine diseases: 牛疾病
  36. bovine nutrition: 牛营养
  37. bovine embryo development: 牛胚胎发育
  38. bovine artificial breeding: 牛人工繁殖
  39. bovine veterinary medicine: 牛兽医学
  40. bovine milk production: 牛乳生产
  41. bovine vaccine development: 牛疫苗研发
  42. bovine fertility: 牛生育能力
  43. bovine digestive disorders: 牛消化系统疾病
  44. bovine lameness: 牛跛行
  45. bovine embryogenesis: 牛胚胎发育
  46. bovine genetic selection: 牛基因选择
  47. bovine artificial feeding: 牛人工喂养
  48. bovine reproduction management: 牛繁殖管理
  49. bovine health monitoring: 牛健康监测
  50. bovine meat inspection: 牛肉检查


bovine (BO vine) This adjective means “of or relating to the characteristics of cows, oxen, or buffaloes.” It also means “sluggish and dull”—like the behavior of most cows.

•The veterinarian specialized in bovine diseases because most of the families in the area were dairy farmers.

•With a bovine expression on his face, the child stared blankly at the televi-sion screen and munched on a cookie.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
牛(BO vine)这个形容词的意思是“属于或关于牛、牛或水牛的特征”。它也意味着“迟钝和迟钝”,就像大多数牛的行为一样。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
