
vt. 净化;使…纯净;使…清洁




cleanse 清洗


cleanse 是一个动词,意为清洗或净化。以下是包含这个单词的 50 个短语,附上中文解释:

  1. cleanse your face – 清洗你的脸
  2. cleanse your body – 清洗你的身体
  3. cleanse your soul – 净化你的灵魂
  4. cleanse your mind – 净化你的思维
  5. cleanse your spirit – 净化你的精神
  6. cleanse your aura – 净化你的氛围
  7. cleanse your system – 清洗你的系统
  8. cleanse your colon – 清洗你的结肠
  9. cleanse your liver – 清洗你的肝脏
  10. cleanse your kidneys – 清洗你的肾脏
  11. cleanse your bloodstream – 清洗你的血液
  12. cleanse your palate – 清洗你的味蕾
  13. cleanse your conscience – 净化你的良心
  14. cleanse your emotions – 净化你的情感
  15. cleanse your energy – 净化你的能量
  16. cleanse your thoughts – 清洗你的想法
  17. cleanse your aura of negativity – 净化你的氛围中的负能量
  18. cleanse your body of toxins – 清洗你的身体中的毒素
  19. cleanse your mind of worries – 净化你的思维,消除忧虑
  20. cleanse your spirit of negativity – 净化你的精神中的负能量
  21. cleanse your face with a gentle cleanser – 用温和的洗面奶清洗你的脸
  22. cleanse your body with soap and water – 用肥皂和水清洗你的身体
  23. cleanse your soul through meditation – 通过冥想来净化你的灵魂
  24. cleanse your mind of negative thoughts – 清除你的思维中的负面想法
  25. cleanse your spirit with positive affirmations – 用积极的肯定来净化你的精神
  26. cleanse your aura with sage smudging – 用鼠尾草熏香净化你的氛围
  27. cleanse your system with a detox diet – 通过排毒饮食来清洗你的系统
  28. cleanse your colon naturally – 自然清洗你的结肠
  29. cleanse your liver with herbal remedies – 用草本疗法来清洗你的肝脏
  30. cleanse your kidneys with plenty of water – 喝足够的水来清洗你的肾脏
  31. cleanse your bloodstream of impurities – 清洗你的血液中的杂质
  32. cleanse your palate with a glass of water – 喝一杯水来清洗你的味蕾
  33. cleanse your conscience of guilt – 消除你内心的愧疚感
  34. cleanse your emotions through therapy – 通过心理疗法来净化你的情感
  35. cleanse your energy with meditation and yoga – 通过冥想和瑜伽来清洗你的能量
  36. cleanse your thoughts of negativity – 清洗你的思维中的负面情绪
  37. cleanse your body of impurities with a cleanse – 通过排毒来清洗你的身体
  38. cleanse your mind of distractions – 清除你的思维中的干扰
  39. cleanse your spirit of negativity with positive affirmations – 通过积极的肯定来净化你的精神
  40. cleanse your face with a gentle exfoliant – 用温和的去角质剂清洗你的脸
  41. cleanse your body through fasting – 通过禁食来清洗你的身体
  42. cleanse your soul with a spiritual retreat – 通过灵修度假来净化你的灵魂
  43. cleanse your mind with mindfulness meditation – 通过正念冥想来清洗你的思维
  44. cleanse your aura of negative energy – 净化你的氛围中的负能量
  45. cleanse your system with a juice cleanse – 通过果汁排毒来清洗你的系统
  46. cleanse your colon with fiber-rich foods – 通过富含纤维的食物来清洗你的结肠
  47. cleanse your liver with a liver detox – 通过肝脏排毒来清洗你的肝脏
  48. cleanse your kidneys with herbal teas – 通过草本茶来清洗你的肾脏
  49. cleanse your bloodstream with antioxidants – 通过抗氧化剂来清洗你的血液
  50. cleanse your palate with a refreshing drink – 用一杯清爽的饮料来清洗你的味蕾
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
