
[verb] overcome, quieten, or bring under control (a feeling or person)
[动词] 战胜、平息或控制(某个感情或人)


Subdue 一词源自拉丁语 subducere (移开、引开、拿走;取回),14世纪末经英国法语 soduire, subdure (引入歧途,战胜,阻止)进入英语后即用来表示“制服、征服、控制、镇压”,偏正式用语,主要指使用较强的武力控制某人或某物并使之屈服,从而阻止其存在或发展,比如:

  • 刀剑威逼顺者少,好言劝说人皆服。
    Swords conquer some, but words subdue all men.
  • 政府高级官员承认他们还没能镇压这场暴乱。
    Senior government officials admit they have not been able to subdue the mutiny.

从这个概念出发, subdue 常用来引申指通过运用意志来“压制、抑制、克制”恐惧、愤怒、高兴等感情,使之不那么强烈,比如:

  • 我们强忍着笑。
    We subdued a desire to laugh.
  • 那个胆小的女孩强迫自己克制并战胜恐惧心理。
    The timid girl forced herself to subdue and overcome her fears.

进而 subdue 也被用来表示“减轻、减弱、减缓、缓和”某个事物的强度或程度,比如:

  • 退热
    subdue a fever

值得注意的是, subdue 同小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 subside 一样,其开头的 sub 读作[səb],而不要将其误读成[sʌb],参见下方影视用例。


He subdued a highly dangerous patient quite handily.

出自2010年上映的美国心理惊悚电影《禁闭岛》(Shutter Island)。


  • The demand is enormous, but largely subdued for lack of proper funding, affordable equipment and technology.
  • Panicked officers rush inside to try to subdue the assailant, as Mr. Pelosi lies motionless on his side making guttural sounds.


subdue” 这个词的中文解释是 “制服,征服,抑制,减弱”。

以下是包含 “subdue” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. subdue emotions – 控制情绪
  2. subdue resistance – 制服抵抗
  3. subdue opposition – 征服反对
  4. subdue a rebellion – 镇压叛乱
  5. subdue an enemy – 打败敌人
  6. subdue a revolt – 镇压暴动
  7. subdue a protest – 制止抗议
  8. subdue a crisis – 应对危机
  9. subdue a threat – 遏制威胁
  10. subdue violence – 抑制暴力
  11. subdue anger – 控制愤怒
  12. subdue fear – 克服恐惧
  13. subdue anxiety – 缓解焦虑
  14. subdue pain – 缓解疼痛
  15. subdue stress – 减轻压力
  16. subdue tension – 缓解紧张
  17. subdue aggression – 控制攻击性
  18. subdue chaos – 遏制混乱
  19. subdue unrest – 制止动荡
  20. subdue a disturbance – 平息骚乱
  21. subdue a crisis – 应对危机
  22. subdue a riot – 镇压暴乱
  23. subdue a conflict – 缓和冲突
  24. subdue a situation – 控制局势
  25. subdue a dispute – 调解争端
  26. subdue inflation – 抑制通货膨胀
  27. subdue pollution – 减少污染
  28. subdue noise – 减轻噪音
  29. subdue appetite – 控制食欲
  30. subdue cravings – 抑制渴望
  31. subdue desires – 控制欲望
  32. subdue impulsiveness – 抑制冲动
  33. subdue impulsivity – 控制冲动
  34. subdue a virus – 抑制病毒
  35. subdue bacteria – 杀灭细菌
  36. subdue inflammation – 减轻炎症
  37. subdue allergies – 控制过敏
  38. subdue symptoms – 缓解症状
  39. subdue illness – 克服疾病
  40. subdue fever – 降低发热
  41. subdue pain – 缓解疼痛
  42. subdue discomfort – 缓解不适
  43. subdue a headache – 缓解头痛
  44. subdue tension – 缓解紧张
  45. subdue stress – 减轻压力
  46. subdue anxiety – 缓解焦虑
  47. subdue depression – 缓解抑郁
  48. subdue anger – 控制愤怒
  49. subdue frustration – 缓解挫折感
  50. subdue grief – 缓解悲伤


conquer: overcome and take control of (a place or people) by use of military force

vanquish: defeat thoroughly

quell: put an end to (a rebellion or other disorder), typically by the use of force

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
