
[verb] instigate or stir up (an undesirable or violent sentiment or course of action)
[动词] 煽动或挑起(不良或暴力的情绪或行动方式)


Foment 是一个与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 ferment 形似且容易混淆的单词。

该词源自拉丁语 fomentum (温敷,泥敷剂),15世纪初经古法语 fomenter (热敷伤口) 进入英语后,也是用在医学领域表示“热敷、热罨”。

不恰当的热敷特别是长时间热敷会产生一定的副作用,包括烫伤、诱发局部肿胀、引起疼痛反应等。从类似的概念出发,到了17世纪20年代后, foment 开始引申发展出现在的主要含义指“煽动、挑起、激起”事端、冲突、暴力、反叛等不良或暴力的情绪或行动方式,常作正式用语使用,意味着如同长时间热敷那般,煽动者通过持续提供新的刺激来使人的反叛精神保持活力,比如:

  • 挑起事端
    foment trouble
  • 激起仇恨
    foment hatred
  • 煽动军事政变
    foment a military coup


  • Ever since Mr Putin illegally annexed Crimea and fomented war in Ukraine, the West has imposed sanctions on Russia and Russia has imposed sanctions on the West.
  • Prigozhin maintained that he was not fomenting a coup, merely trying to force a change of the top military leadership.


foment” 这个词的中文解释是 “煽动,挑起,鼓动”。

以下是包含 “foment” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. foment unrest – 煽动不安
  2. foment rebellion – 激起叛乱
  3. foment dissent – 鼓动不和
  4. foment protest – 煽动抗议
  5. foment discord – 挑起纷争
  6. foment agitation – 煽动骚乱
  7. foment violence – 挑起暴力
  8. foment tension – 加剧紧张
  9. foment chaos – 制造混乱
  10. foment hostility – 煽动敌意
  11. foment division – 引发分裂
  12. foment resentment – 引起怨恨
  13. foment unease – 引起不安
  14. foment a revolt – 激起反抗
  15. foment uprisings – 煽动起义
  16. foment radicalism – 煽动激进主义
  17. foment anarchy – 鼓动无政府状态
  18. foment social unrest – 煽动社会不安
  19. foment political turmoil – 激起政治动荡
  20. foment anti-government sentiment – 煽动反政府情绪
  21. foment public anger – 挑起公众愤怒
  22. foment civil disorder – 煽动社会混乱
  23. foment ethnic tensions – 煽动种族紧张关系
  24. foment class struggle – 煽动阶级斗争
  25. foment religious conflict – 煽动宗教冲突
  26. foment economic upheaval – 煽动经济动荡
  27. foment cultural clashes – 引发文化冲突
  28. foment ideological battles – 煽动意识形态斗争
  29. foment resistance movements – 激起抵抗运动
  30. foment nationalist sentiment – 激起民族主义情绪
  31. foment separatist movements – 鼓动分离主义运动
  32. foment discontent – 煽动不满
  33. foment frustration – 引起挫折感
  34. foment anger – 煽动愤怒
  35. foment opposition – 激发反对
  36. foment public outrage – 引发公众愤慨
  37. foment dissenting voices – 鼓动异议声音
  38. foment radical ideas – 煽动激进观点
  39. foment extremist ideologies – 煽动极端意识形态
  40. foment social upheaval – 引发社会动荡
  41. foment political instability – 鼓动政治不稳定
  42. foment religious fanaticism – 煽动宗教狂热
  43. foment cultural clashes – 引发文化冲突
  44. foment ideological battles – 煽动意识形态斗争
  45. foment resistance movements – 激起抵抗运动
  46. foment nationalist sentiment – 激起民族主义情绪
  47. foment separatist movements – 鼓动分离主义运动
  48. foment discontent – 煽动不满
  49. foment frustration – 引起挫折感
  50. foment anger – 煽动愤怒


abet: encourage or assist (someone) to do something wrong, in particular, to commit a crime or other offense
incite: encourage or stir up (violent or unlawful behavior)
instigate: bring about or initiate (an action or event)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
