


alive [ə’laɪv] adj. 活着的;活泼的;有生气的
alive 活着的 ←易混词→ lively 活泼的
eg. The lively girl was trying to stay alive by cutting cost.
——摘自《快速记忆英语单词 口袋书》


  1. Stay alive – 活下去
  2. alive and kicking – 活蹦乱跳
  3. Feel alive – 感到活着
  4. Keep someone alive – 维持某人的生命
  5. alive with excitement – 充满兴奋
  6. alive with energy – 充满活力
  7. alive to the possibilities – 对可能性敏感
  8. Bursting with life – 充满生机
  9. alive to the world – 对世界充满敏感
  10. alive and well – 活得好好的
  11. Full of life – 充满生机
  12. Come alive – 活过来
  13. alive to the beauty – 对美丽敏感
  14. alive to the challenges – 对挑战有敏感
  15. Feel alive and vibrant – 感到充满活力
  16. alive to the opportunities – 对机会敏感
  17. Bursting alive with color – 鲜活多彩
  18. alive to the danger – 对危险有敏感
  19. alive to the moment – 对当下敏感
  20. Keep the memory alive – 保持记忆活跃
  21. alive with joy – 充满喜悦
  22. Stay alive in someone’s heart – 活在某人的心中
  23. alive to the music – 对音乐敏感
  24. alive and thriving – 活得蓬勃发展
  25. Breathe alive – 活着呼吸
  26. alive to the sounds – 对声音敏感
  27. Keep the dream alive – 保持梦想活跃
  28. alive to the possibilities – 对可能性敏感
  29. alive with love – 充满爱
  30. alive with laughter – 充满笑声
  31. Stay alive in someone’s memory – 活在某人的记忆中
  32. Feel alive and free – 感到自由而活着
  33. alive to the rhythm – 对节奏敏感
  34. alive with curiosity – 充满好奇心
  35. Keep the spirit alive – 保持精神活跃
  36. alive to the challenges – 对挑战敏感
  37. alive to the possibilities – 对可能性敏感
  38. alive to the adventure – 对冒险敏感
  39. Stay alive in someone’s thoughts – 活在某人的思念中
  40. alive with passion – 充满激情
  41. alive with anticipation – 充满期待
  42. Keep hope alive – 保持希望活跃
  43. alive with possibilities – 充满可能性
  44. alive and aware – 活着并且有意识
  45. alive to the changes – 对变化敏感
  46. Bursting alive with creativity – 充满创造力
  47. alive with possibilities – 充满可能性
  48. Keep the flame alive – 保持火焰活跃
  49. alive to the wonders – 对奇迹敏感
  50. Stay alive in someone’s soul – 活在某人的灵魂中
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
