

[verb] move or cause to move at high speed, typically in an uncontrolled manner
[动词] 通常以不受控制的方式(使)高速移动


Hurtle 是一个与英语单词 hurdle (栏架、跨栏;跨栏比赛;难关、障碍)十分形似的单词,同时也很容易会猜想是熟词 hurt 的衍生词。

其实,从词源上看, hurtle 一词很可能源自于与 hurt 可能同源的中古高地德语 hurten (向……冲去,碰撞),14世纪初进入英语后开始用来表示“猛烈碰撞”,比如:

  • 她驾车飞驰而去。但几秒钟之后,她的车猛地撞上了金属围栏。
    She drove off at a furious pace. But within seconds her car hurtled against the metal fence.


  • 当我们骑马从林中飞驰而过时,一辆失控的汽车朝我们飞驰而来。
    When we were galloping through the woods, a runaway car came hurtling towards us.
  • 爆炸导致金属和玻璃碎片在空中乱飞。更多的人死于爆炸后的一段时间里。
    The explosion sent pieces of metal and glass hurtling through the air. Many more people died in the aftermath of the explosion.

此外,也可以用 hurtle 引申表示“发着碰撞声飞速行进、发着巨大的声响急进”以及声音“鸣响、回荡”,比如:

  • 当年史诗般的战斗场面又重现在他眼前。那时,厮杀声响彻云霄。
    The epic battle scenes of those years reappeared in his mind’s eye. At that time, the noise of the battle hurtled in the air.


The air became colder and colder as they hurtled round tight corners.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第一本《哈利·波特与魔法石》(Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone)。


  • Zume has programmed robots to make pizzas that are then put into a van and baked as they hurtle towards customers.
    Zume (机器人披萨初创企业)用编程机器人来做披萨,然后将披萨放进面包车,一边烤制一边向客户飞驰而去。
  • In Washington, lawmakers are back from a break to try to hurtle a sweeping tax plan through Congress.



  1. 用法:hurtle通常用于描述物体或人以极高的速度移动,常常带有冲击、撞击或飞驰的意味。
    • The car hurtled down the highway.(汽车飞驰在高速公路上。)
    • The football hurtled through the air and landed in the goal.(足球呼啸着飞过空中并落入球门。)
  2. 短语:
    • hurtle through/into something:迅猛地冲进/撞进某物
      • The motorcycle hurtled through the intersection.(摩托车在十字路口迅猛地冲过。)
    • hurtle past/by something:飞驰而过某物
      • The train hurtled past the platform without stopping.(火车呼啸而过站台,没有停车。)
    • hurtle down:猛冲下来
      • The skier hurtled down the slope at an incredible speed.(滑雪者以令人难以置信的速度从斜坡上猛冲而下。)
    • hurtle towards/away from someone/something:冲向/远离某人/某物
      • The goalkeeper saw the ball hurtling towards him and quickly dived to save it.(守门员看到足球朝他飞速冲来,迅速扑救。)
    • hurtle into action:迅速行动起来
      • When the fire alarm sounded, the firefighters hurtled into action.(火灾警报响起时,消防员们迅速行动起来。)
    • hurtle to a stop:猛烈地停下
      • The roller coaster hurtled to a stop at the end of the ride.(过山车在游乐过程的尽头猛烈地停下来。)
    • hurtle over/around:飞跃过/绕过
      • The athlete hurtled over the hurdle with great agility.(运动员灵活地飞跃过障碍。)
    • hurtle off/into the distance:飞速消失在远处
      • The car drove away, hurtling off into the distance.(汽车驶离,飞速消失在远处。)


gallop: proceed at great speed
dash: run or travel somewhere in a great hurry
streak: move very fast in a specified direction

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
