
我从山中来 带着兰花草
种在小园中 希望花开早
一日看三回 看得花时过
兰花却依然 苞也无一个

转眼秋天到 移兰入暖房
朝朝频顾惜 夜夜不相忘
期待春花开 能将宿愿偿
满庭花簇簇 添得许多香

我从山中来 带着兰花草
种在小园中 希望花开早
一日看三回 看得花时过
兰花却依然 苞也无一个

转眼秋天到 移兰入暖房
朝朝频顾惜 夜夜不相忘
期待春花开 能将宿愿偿
满庭花簇簇 添得许多香


I came from the mountain with orchids,
Plant them in the little garden, hope to see an early bloom,
View them thrice a day, till the blooming period is over,
But the Orchids have not even a bud.

In a trice it’s autumn, move the orchids into the conservatory,
Cherish and care for them everyday. Can’t forget them every night.
Hoping they’ll bloom in spring to fulfill my wish.
The whole courtyard will be full of clusters of flowers, adding a lot of fragrance.

I came from the mountain with orchids,
Plant them in the little garden, hope to see an early bloom,
View them thrice a day, till the blooming period is over,
But the Orchids have not even a bud.

In a trice it’s autumn, move the orchids into the conservatory,
Cherish and care for them everyday. Can’t forget them every night.
Hoping they’ll bloom in spring to fulfill my wish.
The whole courtyard will be full of clusters of flowers, adding a lot of fragrance.

Submitted by hankeat
