

[noun] a person employed to provide a service to the public in a particular place
[名词] 受雇在特定地点为公众提供服务的人


看到 attendant 一词,通常很容易将其和熟词 attend (出席、参加)联系在一起,两者同源,都是源自古法语 atendre (期待、等待、注意),这样就不难想到 attendant 可以指出席某一活动、会议或典礼的“出席者、参加者”,比如:

  • 那位德高望重的老人向来宾们祝酒,圆满结束了活动。
    The venerable old man rounds off by proposing a toast to the attendants.

而细心的老铁可能会想起这是一个在小站(微信公众号:田间小站)年初推送的 小词详解 | usher 的同近义词部分中出现过的单词,其主要作名词表示“服务员、侍者”,多指受雇在加油站、停车场、衣帽寄存处、博物馆等公共场合为顾客或访客等公众提供服务的人,比如:

  • 在成为一名空姐之前,她情路坎坷,并克服了多次个人不幸。
    She lurched from one bad relationship to another and overcame many personal adversities before she became a flight attendant.

此外, attendant 也可以用来表示照料病人、残疾人或重要人物生活起居的“护理者、治疗者”或“侍从、随从”,比如:

  • 那位戴着素净首饰的女士曾是女王的一个侍女。
    The lady who wore discreet jewellery had been one of the queen’s attendants.

不过从词源上看, attendant 是先有形容词含义,再有名词含义。其作形容词时,除了相应表示“出席的、在场的、参加的”或“护理的、照料的、伺候的”外,还可以表示“伴随的、随之而来的”,常作为正式用语使用,多指与方才提到的某事物密切相关的或随之而产生的,比如:

  • 被巨额外债以及随之而产生的国际收支赤字所困是那个国家经济问题的症结所在。
    Being shackled by a huge foreign debt and its attendant balance-of-payments deficit is the crux of the country’s economic problems.


It was the strain of a forsaken lady, who, after bewailing the perfidy of her lover, calls pride to her aid; desires her attendant to deck her in her brightest jewels and richest robes, and resolves to meet the false one that night at a ball, and prove to him, by the gaiety of her demeanour, how little his desertion has affected her.

出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


  • Child marriage, once rife, is ebbing. So is cousin marriage, with its attendant risk of genetic defects, though it is still fairly common in the Middle East and parts of Asia.
  • Civil aviation-related study programs often specify that they seek male applicants only, except for flight-attendant training.



  1. 描述服务人员:
    • Flight attendant:空乘人员
    • Hotel attendant:酒店服务员
    • Parking attendant:停车场服务员
    • Theatre attendant:剧院服务员
    • Wedding attendant:婚礼服务员
  2. 描述陪同者:
    • Personal attendant:私人陪同者
    • Tour attendant:导游陪同者
    • Patient attendant:病人陪护者
    • VIP attendant:贵宾陪同者
    • Child attendant:儿童陪同者
  3. 描述相关角色:
    • Attendant to the king:随从国王的人
    • Attendant to the queen:侍从女王的人
    • Attendant to the patient:病人的随护人员
    • Attendant to the elderly:老年人的陪伴者
    • Attendant to the disabled:残疾人的陪护人员
  4. 短语:
    • Attendant service:服务人员的服务
    • Attendant duties:陪同者的职责
    • Attendant care:陪护照料
    • Wedding attendant:婚礼随员
    • Attendant responsibilities:随员的责任
    • Personal attendant for the elderly:老年人的私人陪伴者
    • Attendant uniform:服务员制服
    • Attendant to the bride:陪同新娘的人
    • Event attendant:活动服务人员
    • Attendant to the CEO:CEO的随员
    • Attendant to the president:总统的侍从
    • Theatre attendant:剧院观众服务员
    • Flight attendant uniform:空乘人员制服
    • Attendant to the guest:客人的陪同人
    • Patient attendant duties:病人陪护者的职责
    • VIP attendant service:贵宾陪同者的服务
    • Attendant to the conference:会议的随员
    • Attendant to the exhibition:展览会的随员
    • Event attendant responsibilities:活动服务人员的责任
    • The attentive attendant:细心的服务员
    • Personal attendant for the disabled:残疾人的私人陪护者
    • Stadium attendant:体育场服务员


steward: a person who looks after the passengers on a ship, aircraft, or train and brings them meals
escort: a person who may be hired to accompany someone to a social event
commissionaire: a uniformed door attendant at a hotel, theater, or other building

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
