

[verb] prevent (a person or place) from having or using something
[动词] 阻止(某人或某个地方)拥有或使用某物


Deprive 是一个前不久小站(微信公众号:田间小站)在 小词详解 | derive 中提到过的单词。该词源自中古拉丁语 deprivare (剥夺),14世纪中期经古法语 depriver 进入英语后原指“免去……的职务”,尤指免去某个圣职。

等到了14世纪末后, deprive 开始发展出现在的主要含义指“剥夺、使丧失、使不能享有”,主要表示夺走或扣留某人或某个地方拥有的、使用的或应有的某个需要的、重要的或者有价值的东西,并使之远离。

值得注意的是,类似熟词 rob 那样, deprive 虽为及物动词,但其直接宾语是被剥夺的人或地方,而非所剥夺的东西,故常用短语动词 deprive sb/sth of sth 将所剥夺的东西放在介词 of 后面,比如:

  • 在1976年酷热难当的夏天,他们遭到监禁并被剥夺了基本权利。
    In the sweltering summer of 1976, they were imprisoned and deprived of their basic rights.


Deprived of their usual car-washing and lawn-mowing pursuits, the inhabitants of Privet Drive had retreated into the shade of their cool houses, windows thrown wide in the hope of tempting in a non-existent breeze.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第五本《哈利·波特与凤凰社》(Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix)。


  • The old and the socially deprived more likely than the young, well-off and well-connected.
  • As the United States and Europe seek to deprive Russia of its oil and gas income, their leaders hope Qatar can help fill the void.


Deprive 是一个动词,意为剥夺、使丧失。以下是关于 “deprive” 的短语:


  • Deprive of sleep: 剥夺睡眠
  • Deprive of freedom: 剥夺自由
  • Deprive of rights: 剥夺权利
  • Deprive of privileges: 剥夺特权
  • Deprive of food: 剥夺食物
  • Deprive of resources: 剥夺资源
  • Deprive of opportunities: 剥夺机会
  • Deprive of happiness: 剥夺幸福
  • Deprive of love: 剥夺爱
  • Deprive of education: 剥夺教育
  • Deprive of support: 剥夺支持
  • Deprive of sight: 剥夺视力
  • Deprive of hearing: 剥夺听力
  • Deprive of speech: 剥夺言论自由
  • Deprive of rights: 剥夺权利
  • Deprive of belongings: 剥夺财物
  • Deprive of opportunities: 剥夺机会
  • Deprive of privileges: 剥夺特权
  • Deprive of independence: 剥夺独立性
  • Deprive of joy: 剥夺快乐
  • Deprive of dignity: 剥夺尊严


  • Deprive someone of their rights: 剥夺某人的权利
  • Deprive someone of their freedom: 剥夺某人的自由
  • Deprive someone of their possessions: 剥夺某人的财产
  • Deprive someone of their opportunities: 剥夺某人的机会
  • Deprive someone of their happiness: 剥夺某人的幸福
  • Deprive someone of their childhood: 剥夺某人的童年
  • Deprive someone of their education: 剥夺某人的教育
  • Deprive someone of their privacy: 剥夺某人的隐私
  • Deprive someone of their rights: 剥夺某人的权利
  • Deprive someone of their dignity: 剥夺某人的尊严
  • Deprive someone of their dreams: 剥夺某人的梦想
  • Deprive someone of their happiness: 剥夺某人的幸福


  • Deprive oneself: 剥夺自己
  • Deprive someone/something of something: 剥夺某人/某物的某事物
  • Deprive someone of sleep: 剥夺某人的睡眠
  • Deprive someone of love and affection: 剥夺某人的爱和关怀
  • Deprive someone of their rightful place: 剥夺某人应有的位置
  • Deprive someone of an opportunity: 剥夺某人的机会
  • Deprive someone of their inheritance: 剥夺某人的遗产
  • Deprive someone of their innocence: 剥夺某人的纯真


divest: deprive someone of (power, rights, or possessions)
dispossess: deprive (someone) of land, property, or other possessions
strip: deprive someone of (rank, power, or property)

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
