Riggs, Homicide.
瑞格 凶杀组
Nobody’s dead. Night’s young.
没有人死 时间还早啊
This is Sergeant Murtaugh.
Threat or scare? The real thing.
是威胁或只是吓唬人 是真的
This gentleman saw the device.
On Level 1 , near the gas pumps. I wrote the license plate down.
在停车场第一层 靠近油箱 我记下车牌号♥码了
That’s okay, sir. Thanks a lot.
很好 先生 多谢了
Have you evacuated the building? It’s clean.
是否撤离大楼等处的人? 全部撤出了
Bomb squad? On their way.
拆弹小组呢? 正在途中
It’s under control. Let’s go. Bomb squad?
一切都在控制下 我们走 拆弹小组?
Rog, I think we ought to check this out.
罗杰 我们该去看看
Hey. Hey, hey, hey, Riggs. What?
嘿 喂 瑞格 什么?
Bomb squad’s on their way. There’s no bomb.
拆弹小组已在途中 里面没有炸♥弹♥
How can you be sure? Because it’s a full moon.
你怎么知道? 因为今天满月
Moon, lunar, lunatics. They’re everywhere.
月亮 疯子 他们无处不在
Hey, is that Greek? No, no. Latin.
是希腊说法吗 不 是拉丁文
Latin. Man, you surprise the shit out of me.
拉丁文? 你真令我吃惊 知道吗?
There’s no bomb. It’s probably a false alarm.
里面没有炸♥弹♥ 或许只是假警报
It happens. Probably saw a radio on the back seat.
发生了很多次了 他在后座见到的或许只是无线电♥话♥
Hey, hey. Let’s not mess with this. Wait for the bomb squad.
嘿 别搞砸此事 等拆弹小组
You’re right. You sit tight, I’ll be right back.
说得对 你在这 我马上回来
Hey, hey, hey, Riggs. What’s the matter with you?
嘿 瑞格 你举动怪异 怎么回事
There’s a bomb in that building. There’s not.
那栋大楼里有炸♥弹♥ 不 没有
There’s a bomb! There is not.
那栋大楼里有炸♥弹♥ 没有
There’s a bomb in that building! Know how come I know?
那栋大楼里有炸♥弹♥ 你晓得我怎么知道的?
How? I got eight days to retirement.
怎么知道? 因为我再八天就退休
And I will not make a stupid mistake.
There is no bomb.
I will bet vital parts of my anatomy to the fact. Now, look. Look.
我愿用重要的部份肢体做为赌注 听好 注意听好
Trust me. Okay? Trust me.
相信我 好吗? 相信我
That’s usually my first mistake.
Hey, Riggs. Yo.
瑞格 等一下 我来了
Hey, Rog? Yeah?
罗杰 是?
Your insurance paid up? Yeah, of course. Why?
你的保险费缴了吗? 有 当然 做什么?
There could be a bomb in here. Oh, God.
因为这里面可能有炸♥弹♥ 天啊
I hate it when I’m right.
You ought to learn to trust your instincts. Oh, God.
你该学习更信任你的直觉 天啊
First impression can often be the right one.
Leak in his diff. About to drop his drive shaft. No wonder there’s a bomb.
跟他的有点差异 关于放弃他的传动轴 难怪有一个炸♥弹♥
Just don’t touch it.
Just looking.

What are you gonna do? Don’t open the door. Don’t open the door!
你干什么? 不要开门! 瑞格! 别开
Son of a bitch, just look at it.
狗♥杂♥种♥ 只是看看…
That’s all I’m gonna do, is look.
Oh, my. There’s more plastic than Cher.
天! 用的塑胶比雪儿还多
I love this job. This is amateur night. Open the door. I can’t hear you.
我爱这份工 这是业余者之夜 开门 我听不到
Open the door.
Don’t do nothing.
Not that one! Mm- mm!
You son of a bitch.
Well, this is a pretty shonky job. I can dismantle it.
这是蛮可疑的作品 我想我可以拆解
It looks like Beirut to me. Let’s get the hell out of here.
这看起来蛮有威力的 我们快离开这里
Everybody’s outside. Just me, you and this cat are dumb enough to be here.
大家都在外面 只有我 你和这只猫 会笨得留在这里
Nearly a cat-tastrophe, huh? Heh.
简直是猫闯下大祸 对吧
Relax, Rog. Relax. Right. Don’t do nothing.
轻松点 罗杰 放轻松 不要轻举妄动
We got nine minutes and seven seconds left.
Know what we could do? What?
知道我们能怎么做吗? 怎么做?
We could drive this out. Fine, it’s your turn to drive.
我们可将它开离此处 轮到你开车了
No keys. Tsk, tsk. I could hot- wire it.
可恶 没钥匙 我可以让它短路
Aah! Don’t even say “hot- wire” around this stuff, man.
啊 别在这东西旁边别提到短路
You’re right, you’re right. Why am I doing this? Why am I…?
你说得对 我为何要做这种事?
Looks like we’re gonna have to do it the old- fashioned way.
Riggs, what are you thinking? What are you thinking, Riggs? Riggs.
瑞格 你在打什么主意 你在想什么?
I’m thinking we should cut the blue wire. Wait!
我想该剪蓝线 慢着
That’s not what I think. You think red?
那和我想的不一样 你认为或许是红色的?
No. No.
I’m thinking that it’s eight minutes and 42 seconds.
We can go upstairs, wait for the bomb squad, have a cappuccino.
我们可以上楼等拆弹小组 喝杯卡布奇诺
The bomb squad never gets here on time. It’s eight minutes and 31 seconds.
拆弹小组从不会及时赶到 而且只有8分31秒
Rog, please. Forget the cappuccino.
罗杰 拜托 那就不喝卡布奇诺吧
You know what they’re gonna say? “Get the fuck out of here.”
知道他们会怎么说吗? “滚出去”
After that, they’re gonna say, “Cut the blue wire,” which I’m gonna do right now.
但之后他们会说 “剪蓝色电线” 而我正要那么做
Hey, hey. Wait, wait. Riggs. Wait. What?
慢着 瑞格 慢着 什么?
How can you be so sure? Oh, it’s just a hunch.
你怎能如此确定 那只是个预感
A hunch? Remember the bomb under your toilet?
你要靠预感? 记得你家马桶下的炸♥弹♥吗?
Oh, shit. How could I forget? Red wire, blue wire, same thing.
我怎会忘记 红电线 蓝电线 都一样
This is more simplified. A bit more powerful, but more simplified.
但这次更简单 威力愈强愈简单
From where I was sitting, I couldn’t see. Forget it. Come on, trust me.
真的? 看不出来 别这样 信任我
Yeah, so I gotta trust you?
对 我得信任你?
Guess not. Well, I’m cutting the red wire, okay?
我想不用 我要剪红电线了 好吗?
Oh! Oh!
哦 哦
What? What? A minute ago you said blue.
怎么了? 一分钟前你说的是蓝色
Did I say blue? Riggs, you said blue.
我说蓝色吗? 瑞格 你说蓝色
Well, I meant red. You sure?
我指的是红色的 你确定?
We can do it your way if you’d like.
你若愿意 我们可以照你的方式做
My way? I don’t have…! Quiet!
我的方式 我没有… 保持安静
I’m sure, okay? Shit.
我确定 好吧? 妈的
Rog? What?
罗杰 什么?
Won’t you kind of miss all this good stuff when you retire?
等你退休 难道不会想念这些好东西
Aren’t you gonna miss it a little bit? Huh?
I’m cutting the wire.
Snip. See? All done.
剪断了 看到了吗? 完成了
Rog. Yeah?
罗杰 是?
Grab the cat. Grab the cat?
抓住猫 抓住猫?
Where are they?
Right. Oops.
对 好险

Seven days to retirement, I’m busted down to patrolman.
距退休七天 我却被降为巡逻员
I should’ve cut the red wire.
You did. No, I didn’t. I cut the blue wire.
你剪的是红电线 不 我剪蓝电线
That’s what I meant. We should’ve waited for the bomb squad.
那正是我的意思 我们该等拆弹小组的
Am I gonna have to listen to this?
Every day until I retire. That’ll be a week too long.
每天 直到我退休 那将是漫长的一周
Ah, shit.
啊 可恶
My feet are killing me. They’re killing me too.
我的脚酸得要命 你的脚也使我酸得很
How? I gotta listen to you bitch about them!
我的脚怎会使你酸得很? 因为我得整天听你抱怨
Because you should’ve cut the red wire! I did cut the red wire!
因为你剪了红电线 我是剪了红电线
What’s this? It’s kind of soft. It’s not a bulletproof vest.
这是什么? 有点软 不是防弹背心
It’s not gonna keep anything out. Gonna keep my stomach in.
因此无法阻挡任何东西 我只是想让肚子缩起来
What do you got under there?
It’s a girdle. What?
是件束腹 什么?
Oh, God. It’s a girdle.
哦 天 是个束腹
Trish know about this?
Not a woman’s girdle, a man’s girdle.
这不是女人的束腹 是男人的束腹
They make girdles for men? They make girdles for men.
也有男人的束腹? 有男人的束腹
They do, huh? Yeah, they do.
真的? 对 真的
I haven’t worn this uniform in 1 5 years. Cleaners must have shrunk it.
我已有15年未穿制♥服♥ 洗衣店一定使它缩水了
Well, you should take it to Chin.
I did take it to Chin over in Alpine. Look at it. It’s shrunk all up in here.
我是送到亚尔潘街秦家店 你看 都缩到这里来了
Have to hold my breath. Did you see that?
我得憋气… 你看到了吗?
See what? Jaywalker.
看到什么? 闯红灯的行人
Hold it right there, pal. Step up here, please.
站住别动 老兄 请过来这里一下
Me? Yes, you.
我? 对 你
What did I do? Stand there.
我做了什么事? 站在那
What’d you do? Jaywalking. I saw you. I have to cite you.
你做了什么事? 闯红灯 我看得很清楚 我得开罚单给你
Jaywalking? Oh, Jesus, come on.
闯红灯? 老天! 拜托
