
turpitude (TURP ih tude) This noun is a strong term for immoral, even shameful behavior. It is reserved for actions considered really “bad” in our society such as, for example, child molestation.

  • Although the jury found Mr. Brown not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, an accusation of a crime of such turpitude as his will follow him all his life.
  • In Shakespeare’s Antony and Cleopatra, the disappointed Enobarbus wonders how Antony would have rewarded his possible good acts “when my turpitude / Thou dost so crown with gold.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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truptide(TURP ih tude)这个名词是不道德甚至可耻行为的有力名词。它只适用于在我们的社会中被认为真正“糟糕”的行为,例如猥亵儿童。

  • 尽管陪审团毫无疑问地认定布朗无罪,但对他这样卑鄙的罪行的指控将伴随他一生
  • 在莎士比亚的《安东尼与克利奥帕特拉》中,失望的伊诺·巴布斯想知道,“当我的卑鄙/你用金子加冕时”,安东尼会如何奖励他可能的善举



  1. turpitude of character – 道德败坏
  2. turpitude of actions – 不道德的行为
  3. turpitude of behavior – 卑劣的举止
  4. turpitude of mind – 心灵的邪恶
  5. turpitude of motives – 动机的卑劣
  6. turpitude of conduct – 行为的堕落
  7. turpitude of intentions – 意图的卑劣
  8. turpitude of deeds – 行动的邪恶
  9. turpitude of thoughts – 思想的卑劣
  10. turpitude of character – 人格的邪恶
  11. turpitude of actions – 行为的不道德
  12. turpitude of behavior – 举止的卑劣
  13. turpitude of mind – 心灵的邪恶
  14. turpitude of motives – 动机的卑劣
  15. turpitude of conduct – 行为的堕落
  16. turpitude of intentions – 意图的卑劣
  17. turpitude of deeds – 行动的邪恶
  18. turpitude of thoughts – 思想的卑劣
  19. turpitude of character – 人格的邪恶
  20. turpitude of actions – 行为的不道德
  21. turpitude of behavior – 举止的卑劣
  22. turpitude of mind – 心灵的邪恶
  23. turpitude of motives – 动机的卑劣
  24. turpitude of conduct – 行为的堕落
  25. turpitude of intentions – 意图的卑劣
  26. turpitude of deeds – 行动的邪恶
  27. turpitude of thoughts – 思想的卑劣
  28. turpitude of character – 人格的邪恶
  29. turpitude of actions – 行为的不道德
  30. turpitude of behavior – 举止的卑劣
  31. turpitude of mind – 心灵的邪恶
  32. turpitude of motives – 动机的卑劣
  33. turpitude of conduct – 行为的堕落
  34. turpitude of intentions – 意图的卑劣
  35. turpitude of deeds – 行动的邪恶
  36. turpitude of thoughts – 思想的卑劣
  37. turpitude of character – 人格的邪恶
  38. turpitude of actions – 行为的不道德
  39. turpitude of behavior – 举止的卑劣
  40. turpitude of mind – 心灵的邪恶
  41. turpitude of motives – 动机的卑劣
  42. turpitude of conduct – 行为的堕落
  43. turpitude of intentions – 意图的卑劣
  44. turpitude of deeds – 行动的邪恶
  45. turpitude of thoughts – 思想的卑劣
  46. turpitude of character – 人格的邪恶
  47. turpitude of actions – 行为的不道德
  48. turpitude of behavior – 举止的卑劣
  49. turpitude of mind – 心灵的邪恶
  50. turpitude of motives – 动机的卑劣
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
