

[adjective] (of a liquid) free of anything that darkens; completely clear
[形容词] (指液体)没有任何使之变暗的东西;完全透明的


Limpid 是一个与小站两年前推送过的 opaque 含义相反的单词,该词于17世纪经法语 limpide 或者直接由拉丁语 limpidus (清澈的、透明的)进入英语,也是用来表示“清澈的、透明的”,常作书面用语使用,主要指水等液体完全透明的,没有任何使之变暗的东西,具有纯水般的柔和清澈,比如:

  • 她靠在栏杆上探出身去,向下凝视清澈的水面。
    She leaned out over the rail/railing, peering down into the limpid water.

从这个概念出发, limpid 既可以引申指人的眼睛“清澈的、明亮的、明净的”,也更常用来喻指演讲、写作、音乐等“清晰顺畅的”,即表达清晰易于理解或者优美动听,比如:

  • 那双明亮的蓝色大眼睛信赖地注视着她。
    The huge limpid blue eyes gazed trustfully at her.
  • 他认为这一富有说服力的演讲堪称典范,简洁流畅,清新自然。
    He thought the eloquent speech a model of its kind, limpid and unaffected.


Over the past few years, I have visited all nine provinces or autonomous regions on the upper, middle and lower streams of the Yellow River. From the Yellow River and the Yangtze River, two “mother rivers” of the Chinese nation, to the limpid Qinghai Lake and the mighty Yarlung Zangbo River; from the South-North Water Diversion, known as a project of the century, to the Saihanba forest, shown as a patch of green on the map; from the northward trek and homecoming of elephants in Yunnan Province, to the migration and return of Tibetan antelopes — all these remind us that “If we do not fail Nature, Nature shall never fail us”.



Standing out as a book writer today requires more than a bright idea and limpid prose.
Davis’s eyes, limpid and expressive, flash from wariness to sorrow, then back.


  • 定义:Limpid 是一个形容词,具有以下几个相关的含义:
    1. 清澈透明的:指液体或物体具有清澈、透明的特征,没有杂质或混浊的部分。
    2. 明亮的、晴朗的:指天空或天气晴朗、明亮,没有云层或阴影。
    3. 清晰易懂的:指言辞、文字或思想表达清晰、易于理解,没有复杂或模糊的部分。
    4. 平静的、安详的:指心境或情感平静、宁静,没有烦乱或混乱的情绪。
  • 例句
    1. The limpid water of the lake reflected the blue sky.(湖水清澈透明,映照着蓝天。)
    2. She has a limpid writing style that is easy to understand.(她的写作风格清晰易懂。)
    3. The limpid evening brought a sense of tranquility.(晴朗的傍晚带来了宁静的感觉。)
  • 小标题用法注意
  1. 清澈透明的
    • limpid water(清澈透明的水)
    • a limpid stream(清澈的小溪)
    • limpid eyes(明亮清澈的眼睛)
  2. 明亮的、晴朗的
    • a limpid sky(晴朗的天空)
    • the limpid light of dawn(黎明的明亮光线)
    • a limpid day(晴朗的一天)
  3. 清晰易懂的
    • limpid prose(清晰易懂的散文)
    • a limpid explanation(清晰明了的解释)
    • a limpid writing style(清晰的写作风格)
  4. 平静的、安详的
    • a limpid mind(平静的心境)
    • a limpid mood(宁静的情绪)
    • a limpid expression(安详的表情)

总之,limpid 是一个形容词,具有多个相关的含义。它可以指清澈透明的,形容液体或物体没有杂质或混浊;也可以指明亮的、晴朗的,形容天空或天气晴朗、明亮;此外,limpid 还可以表示清晰易懂的,形容言辞、文字或思想表达清晰易于理解;最后,它还可以指平静的、安详的,形容心境或情感平静宁静。


  1. Limpid water (清澈的水)
  2. Limpid eyes (清澈的眼睛)
  3. Limpid stream (清澈的小溪)
  4. Limpid voice (清澈的声音)
  5. Limpid sky (晴朗的天空)
  6. Limpid reflection (清澈的倒影)
  7. Limpid language (清晰简明的语言)
  8. Limpid clarity (清晰明了)
  9. Limpid prose (清新的散文)
  10. Limpid melody (清澈的旋律)


limpid (LIMP id) This adjective has two slightly different meanings. Like many of the words in this section, it means “perfectly clear or easily understood.” It can also be used to describe an untroubled, serene state.

The house was situated on the banks of Lake Winnepesaukee, whose limpid waters were rarely troubled by wind or currents.

Professor Milstein’s limpid explanation of string theory enabled the first-year physics students to apply very complex formulas to everyday processes.
——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
limpid (LIMP id) 这个形容词有两个稍微不同的含义。像本节中的许多词一样,它的意思是 “完全清楚或容易理解”。它也可以用来描述一种不受干扰的、宁静的状态。




clear: (of a substance) transparent; unclouded
transparent: (of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen
translucent: (of a substance) allowing light, but not detailed shapes, to pass through; semitransparent

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
