
adj. 持久的,永久的;不变的
v. 遵守;容忍;继续存在(abide的现在分词)



abiding“(持久的,永久的)是一个形容词,通常用来形容持续存在或长期保持的状态、情感或特征。以下是一些包含单词 “abiding” 的短语,附带中文解释:

  1. abiding love(持久的爱)
  2. abiding faith(坚定的信仰)
  3. abiding friendship(持久的友谊)
  4. abiding commitment(持久的承诺)
  5. abiding respect(深厚的尊重)
  6. abiding joy(持久的喜悦)
  7. abiding patience(持久的耐心)
  8. abiding values(永恒的价值观)
  9. abiding principles(持久的原则)
  10. abiding happiness(持久的幸福)
  11. abiding gratitude(持久的感激)
  12. abiding peace(持久的和平)
  13. abiding sense of purpose(持久的使命感)
  14. abiding compassion(持久的同情心)
  15. abiding optimism(持久的乐观)
  16. abiding presence(持久的存在)
  17. abiding wisdom(持久的智慧)
  18. abiding serenity(持久的宁静)
  19. abiding support(持久的支持)
  20. abiding understanding(持久的理解)
  21. abiding determination(持久的决心)
  22. abiding grace(持久的恩典)
  23. abiding resilience(持久的韧性)
  24. abiding contentment(持久的满足)
  25. abiding connection(持久的联系)
  26. abiding devotion(持久的献身)
  27. abiding integrity(持久的正直)
  28. abiding resilience(持久的适应力)
  29. abiding enthusiasm(持久的热情)
  30. abiding memory(永恒的记忆)
  31. abiding kindness(持久的善良)
  32. abiding influence(持久的影响)
  33. abiding patience(持久的耐心)
  34. abiding values(永恒的价值观)
  35. abiding commitment(持久的承诺)
  36. abiding love for nature(对自然的持久热爱)
  37. abiding sense of community(持久的社群感)
  38. abiding bond(持久的纽带)
  39. abiding sense of belonging(持久的归属感)
  40. abiding impact(持久的影响)
  41. abiding trust(持久的信任)
  42. abiding faith in humanity(对人性的持久信仰)
  43. abiding source of inspiration(持久的灵感来源)
  44. abiding commitment to justice(对正义的持久承诺)
  45. abiding curiosity(持久的好奇心)
  46. abiding optimism for the future(对未来的持久乐观)
  47. abiding love for learning(对学习的持久热爱)
  48. abiding gratitude for life(对生命的持久感激)
  49. abiding sense of wonder(持久的惊奇感)
  50. abiding respect for diversity(对多样性的持久尊重)


abiding (uh BIDE ing) If it abides with you, it lives with you, and thus it doesn’t end.

  • Stephanie has an abiding love of board games: as a child she played Candyland and Sorry for hours, and now she’s a chess fanatic.
  • His abiding distrust of strangers has caused Leon difficulties in casual social encounters.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
遵守(呃BIDE ing)如果它遵守你,它就会和你一起生活,因此它不会结束。

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
