
exasperate (ex ASS per ate) Though it sounds like “exacerbate,” this verb’s meaning is slightly different—“to irritate” or “annoy” or to feel “irritated” or “annoyed.” Think of it this way: a situation is “exacerbated” (or “exasperated”) and then a person feels “exasperated.”

  • Celia was exasperated after hours of conversation with a support techni-cian from her online service provider; no matter what he told her, she still couldn’t sign on to the internet.
  • Disneyland exasperated Charles. The lines were long, the weather was brutally hot, and he was tired of being waved at by Mickey Mouse.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
恼怒(ex-ASS per ate)虽然听起来像“加剧”,但这个动词的意思略有不同——“激怒”或“惹恼”,或感到“被激怒”或感到“恼火”。这样想吧:一种情况被“加剧”(或“被激怒了”),然后一个人感到“被愤怒了”
