
edify (ED if fye) This verb means more than just “teach”; it means “to instruct morally, intellectually, or spiritually.” It comes from the Latin word for “to build” and suggests the building of character.

  • The rabbi’s lecture to the group of Hebrew school students was edifying as he attempted to teach them what it means to be devout in a world that is increasingly secular.
  • “You might not think playing video games is an edifying experience, but I do,” Ralph said to his father. “Super Mario has taught me not to give up in the face of adversity. I think that’s a pretty morally uplifting message.”

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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启迪(ED if fye)这个动词的意思不仅仅是“教导”;它的意思是“在道德上、智力上或精神上进行指导”。它来自拉丁语中“建设”的意思,表示性格的建设。
