
farrago (fah RAHG oh) This is one of many nouns to mean “a mixture, a hodgepodge, an olio, a potpourri, an olla podrida, a gallimaufry.”

  • The sentence above contains a farrago of synonyms for “farrago.”
  • Jackie went to Dr. Smollett with a farrago of complaints: his leg hurt, he sometimes couldn’t move his elbow, his eyelid tickled, and the like.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
farrago(fah RAHG oh)这是许多名词中的一个,意思是“混合物、大杂烩、奥利奥、花香、olla podrida、gallimaufry”

  • 上面的句子包含了一大堆“farrago”的同义词
  • 杰基带着一大堆抱怨去找斯莫列特医生:他的腿疼,有时肘部动不了,眼睑发痒等等

