
proscenium (pro SEEN ee um) Literally, the area in a theater between the curtain and the audience or the orchestra pit. This noun is sometimes used as a word of contrast with more innovative “theater in the round,” which lacks any such space.

  • “I’m tired of Shakespeare productions on the proscenium stage,” said Mr. Williams. “Let’s eliminate that fourth wall and get right next to the audience in our beatnik version of Romeo and Juliet.”
  • The proscenium was jammed during the final curtain call, as actors, stage-hands, and technicians clustered together in a democratic “all-together” bow.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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舞台(pro-sen ee um)从字面上看,剧院中幕布和观众或乐池之间的区域。这个名词有时被用来与更具创新性的“圆形剧院”形成对比,后者缺乏任何这样的空间。

  • “我厌倦了舞台上的莎士比亚作品,”威廉姆斯说。“让我们消除第四堵墙,坐在我们的披头士版《罗密欧与朱丽叶》中的观众旁边。”
  • 在最后一次谢幕时,舞台上挤满了人,演员、舞台工作人员和技术人员聚集在一起,进行民主的“全体”鞠躬

