
inchoate (in KO it) This adjective describes anything that is in a very early state of development. An early stage could be chaotic, but it’s more likely to be simply vague or unformed. In short, you’re just “hitching up,” as the history of the word confirms: it comes from the technical term for a strap that’s hitched to a harness.

  • Polly asked the student senate to give her plans for the homecoming celebration a vote of confidence even though they were too inchoate at the time of the meeting to permit her to give the specifics.
  • Judith and Glenn, engaged for three weeks, know they’re going to have a big wedding in some exotic spot, but plans are inchoate, so don’t press them for details.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
不成熟的(在KO it中)这个形容词描述任何处于早期发展状态的事物。早期阶段可能很混乱,但更可能只是模糊或未成形。简而言之,正如这个词的历史所证实的那样,你只是在“搭便车”:它来自于一个技术术语,即系在安全带上的带子。

  • 波利要求学生参议院对她返校节庆祝活动的计划投下信任票,尽管在会议召开时这些计划还为时过早,不允许她给出具体细节
  • 朱迪思和格伦订婚三周,他们知道他们将在某个异国他乡举行一场盛大的婚礼,但计划尚不成熟,所以不要向他们透露细节

