
amorphous (ay MORF us) To describe something that lacks a defined shape or organization, this is the right word. It comes from the Greek prefix “a,” meaning “absence of” and the word “morph” for “shape.”

  • In the new film production of Hamlet, the ghost is not an actor in armor but an amorphous area of lightness with a commanding voice.
  • Anais has some amorphous ideas for the required intellectual autobiography for her graduate school application, but hasn’t yet developed an organizing concept.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
无定形的(ay MORF us)用来描述缺乏明确形状或组织的东西,这个词是正确的。它来自希腊语前缀“a”,意思是“没有”,单词“morph”表示“形状”

  • 在新制作的电影《哈姆雷特》中,鬼魂不是一个穿着盔甲的演员,而是一个无定形的轻盈区域,声音威严
  • Anais对申请研究生院所需的智力自传有一些不确定的想法,但还没有形成组织概念

