
ineffable (in EF uh bul) Something ineffable cannot be expressed in words. While it may occasionally have the sense of the taboo, something forbidden, it’s most often used to describe thinking about the abstract, the transcendental.

  • Poets and mystics may try to get at the ineffable through allusion, hint, or image.
  • Claire’s grandfather died shortly after she turned thirteen, and she found herself puzzling over ineffable matters such as life, death, and a possible hereafter.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
无法形容的(在EF uh bul中)无法用语言表达的东西。虽然它偶尔会有禁忌的感觉,一些被禁止的东西,但它最常被用来描述对抽象的、超越的思考。

  • 诗人和神秘主义者可能试图通过暗示、暗示或形象来理解无法言喻的东西
  • 克莱尔的祖父在她13岁后不久去世,她发现自己对生、死和可能的未来等无法言喻的事情感到困惑

