
lachrymose (LAK rih mose) This adjective can mean either “weeping, inclined to weep” or “tending to cause weeping.” It comes into English directly from the Latin word for “tears.”

  • Certain types of novels feature lachrymose heroines; these frail creatures are equally likely to pull out their lace handkerchiefs at news of the death of a distant relative or the sight of frolicking puppies.
  • Logan could not abide such lachrymose literature. Give him a robust novel about battle at sea!

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
lachrymose(LAK rih mose)这个形容词的意思可以是“哭泣,倾向于哭泣”或“倾向于引起哭泣”。它直接来自拉丁语中“眼泪”的意思

  • 某些类型的小说以悲痛欲绝的女主人公为主角;当听到远亲去世的消息或看到嬉戏的小狗时,这些虚弱的生物同样有可能拿出蕾丝手帕
  • 洛根无法忍受这样令人伤心的文学作品。给他一本关于海上战斗的长篇小说

