
despondent (de SPON dent) This adjective meaning “discouraged,” “dejected” comes into English from a Latin verb meaning “to give up, to despair.” The noun form is “despondency.”

  • The ancient philosophy of stoicism urged against despondency. Its follow-ers sought to remain calm, whatever circumstances life might bring.
  • After a few days of feeling despondent that he had not gotten the job he had sought, Mr. Van Zandt rallied his spirits and began a new series of interviews.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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dependent(de SPON dent)这个形容词的意思是“气馁”,“沮丧”来自拉丁语动词,意思是“放弃,绝望”。名词形式是“dependency”

  • 古代斯多葛主义哲学极力反对沮丧。无论生活可能带来什么样的情况,它的追随者都试图保持冷静
  • 范赞特因为没有得到他想要的工作而沮丧了几天后,他振作起来,开始了一系列新的面试

