

英语单词 gerrymander (弄虚作假)由单词 gerry + mander 组成,是由美国州长埃尔布利•杰瑞( Elbridge Gerry )的姓氏和 salamander (蝾螈)组合而成的。这个词的产生与 Elbridge Gerry 为了操纵选举而改划选区的行为有关。


1812年,美国马萨诸塞州的州长杰瑞为了帮助自己所在的党派获胜,就滥用职权,颁布法令,对选区进行重新划分,各选区被有意地划成七扭八怪的形状。为了揭露和讽刺这种操纵选举的伎俩,漫画家吉尔伯特·斯图尔特( Gilbert Stuart )在报纸上发表了一幅漫画,将改划后的选区地区夸张地画成了一条蝾螈( salamander ),将其命名为 Gerry-mander (杰瑞蝾螈)。英语单词 gerrymander 便是从此而来,用来表示这种为了操纵选举而刻意改划选区的做法,后来词义拓展,泛指各种为了特定结果而刻意设置、变更规则、条件的做法。

  • gerrymander:[‘dʒerɪ,mændə] n. v. 为了政党利益而不公正地改划选区;为特定结果而刻意设置、变更规则、条件的做法
  • 深度学习

    gerrymander (JER ree man der) This verb has to do with the lines drawn for voting districts in a way that favors one political party. The word came into existence in 1812 as a combination of the name of a little lizard—a “salamander”—and the last name of Elbridge Gerry, a former governor of Massachusetts. Gerry’s party, allegedly, had redrawn district lines in a way that favored it and in a way roughly resembling the shape of the lizard.

    • The original gerrymandering supposedly caught the artistic eye of Gilbert Stuart, noted portrait painter of George Washington, who detected the amphibious new shape.
    • The pedant, one who just had to know more than everyone else, pointed out to his friend that “gerrymander” should “properly” be pronounced “gher-rymander,” for Gerry himself used a “hard G” pronunciation for his name.

    (Extra knowledge for word lovers: that pedant could be called a “doryphore,” a person who delights in pointing out the small mistakes of others.)

    ——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

    [toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]
    选区划分者(JER ree man der)这个动词与选区划分有关,有利于一个政党。1812年,这个词由一只小蜥蜴(一种“蝾螈”)的名字和马萨诸塞州前州长埃尔布里奇·格里的姓氏组合而成。据称,格里的政党以一种有利于自己的方式重新划定了地区界线,其形状大致类似于蜥蜴。

    • 据推测,最初的不公正选区划分引起了乔治·华盛顿的著名肖像画家吉尔伯特·斯图尔特的艺术关注,他发现了水陆两栖的新形状
    • 这位学究只需要比其他人了解更多,他向朋友指出,“gerrymander”应该“正确地”发音为“gher rymander),因为Gerry自己的名字使用了“硬G”发音

