
pallid (PAL id) This adjective means “abnormally pale” or “lacking vitality and dull.” It can be used literally to describe a pale person’s complexion or figuratively to describe something bland and dull, such as a pallid-tasting slice of beef.

  • After catching sight of a caped figure grimacing at her in the window, Lorraine returned to the dinner table with trembling hands and a pallid face.
  • The editors of the school paper decided not to run Mr. Bleg’s editorial about grade inflation because the prose was pallid, the ideas were inane, and the argument was politically incorrect.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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苍白的(PAL id)这个形容词的意思是“异常苍白”或“缺乏活力和沉闷”。它可以从字面上用来形容苍白的人的肤色,也可以象征性地用来形容平淡和沉闷的东西,比如一片苍白的牛肉。

  • 在看到一个戴着斗篷的人在窗户里向她做鬼脸后,洛林回到餐桌上,双手颤抖,面色苍白
  • 学校报纸的编辑们决定不刊登布莱格关于分数膨胀的社论,因为文章苍白,想法空洞,而且论点在政治上是不正确的

