
pyrrhic (PEER ik) This adjective is most often used in the phrase “a pyr-rhic victory,” meaning a technical win achieved at a high cost. The word derives from an ancient Greek named Pyrrhus who defeated the Romans in 280 BC but lost nearly all his own troops in the process.

  • Daniel, in a rather rude manner, pointed out his teacher’s mispronunciation of “tyranny” in front of the class; he was correct about her error, but I’d call it a pyrrhic victory since he needs her good will in writing his college recommendation.
  • Some historians point out that most slave societies were able to abolish slavery without violence and that the Union triumph in the American Civil War was pyrrhic.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

[toggle title=机器翻译,仅供参考]

  • 丹尼尔以一种相当粗鲁的方式,在全班面前指出了老师对“暴政”的发音错误;他对她的错误是正确的,但我认为这是一场代价高昂的胜利,因为他在写大学推荐信时需要她的善意
  • 一些历史学家指出,大多数奴隶社会能够在没有暴力的情况下废除奴隶制,而联邦在美国内战中的胜利是代价高昂的

