
bumptious (BUMP shuss) This adjective means “pushy” or “rudely asser-tive.” Think of it as a cross between “presumptuous” and “bump,” which may well be where the word comes from.

  • “I really hate to shop at Toy World during the holidays,” Amy remarked with a sigh. “It always involves dealing with nasty salespeople, long lines at the cash register, and bumptious customers who try to get ahead of you in line.”
  • It’s hard to believe that Lee and Dorothy are sisters. Dorothy is shy, cautious, soothing, and calm whereas Lee is loud, annoying, bumptious, and aggressive.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》

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buptious(BUMP shuss)这个形容词的意思是“咄咄逼人”或“粗鲁的断言”。可以把它看作是“放肆”和“颠簸”的交叉词,这很可能是这个词的来源。

  • “我真的不喜欢在假期去玩具世界购物,”艾米叹了口气说道。“这总是涉及到与讨厌的销售人员打交道,在收银台排起长队,以及那些试图在排队时超过你的傲慢顾客。”
  • 很难相信李和多萝西是姐妹。多萝西害羞、谨慎、舒缓、冷静,而李则大声、烦人、傲慢、好斗。

